well i have not gone through and read the answers yet, but i dont believe that because a person was sexually abused as a child, that they will end up being an abuser.Of course some people do, but i think everyones different and you can just assume they will abuse because they have been abused. I went through 10 years of it by my grandfather--ages 5-15, it was horrible, i still dont understand why I would pray and pray and god wouldnt answer..and he used objects on me, knives, rifles, he would get hot dogs really hot and use them on me. it was horrible. it still affects me, but i would no way EVER abuse a child. Its gross, why would i want to put the hurt i was subjected to onto someone else? And thats just gross, i cant even understand how people have that kind of attraction to kids. But i do believe that sex offenders dont rehabilitate well, the recidivism rates are extremely high. And no i have not forgiven him and i probably never will!!! He spent one night in jail, i have spent at least 25 days in jail (not all at once) throughout my life and its been for petty crap like walking out of a bar with my cup of beer