A broad brush? just don't wind up in divorce court because a American christian women will show you as much mercy as an executioner. I believe marriage to a foreign woman will last longer and less likely to end in a divorce. Christian woman or not, she know that a divorce court will work in her favor, stripping you of 60-70% of your assets. She has a incredible weapon at her disposal. Not a great feeling for many American men. That's why the growing trend is to shop for foreign brides because he can get married in her countries and abide by the laws governing divorces. The risks are just too high for AmericanChristian or non-Christian women and why the marriage rate is at a dismal 28-30% in 2012. Most of these American men know what they are up against and are not eager to marry. I know American women who have a ton of assets from several divorces.
Christianity is the 'default' religion in the US. If someone has no religion, chances are if you ask, that person will say 'Christian.' Grandma was a Christian and they went to church on Christmas or Easter a few times growing up. Or they go to church but don't study the Bible, or they go to a church that teaches a few vague things about morality. There are also sincere Christians who know God's word.
You could marry a foreign woman from Mongolia or a Sundanese from Java, from a culture that is somewhat, or very, accepting of divorce. That's not going to prevent you from getting a divorce. If a man marries, he needs to find out what a woman's values are, especially when it comes to the issue of divorce, and the same is true in reverse. Women need to find out what a man's values are. Christians should only marry other Christians, genuine Christians with a sincere faith.
I think it's wise for a Christian man wanting to marry to steer clear of feminists who are against 'the patriarchy' and not willing to submit to their husbands. If a potential wife isn't on board with the idea of submitting to her husband and respecting him, or at least teachable when the concept is presented, IMO, it's a good idea to look elsewhere. A wife having this mindset contributes to peace in the home, and a lack of nagging, etc. Women should avoid men who are domineering, controlling, or cruel. Both genders should avoid spouses that are lazy, have substance abuse problems, are promiscuous, etc.
There are still unmarried American women who don't scowl at you if you suggest it is a good thing for a woman to be able to cook for her husband, who embrace the idea that a wife is supposed to submit to her husband, who hate divorce. There are even some virgins out there.
As Christians, we aren't supposed to have sex outside of marriage. Those who desire sex, the emotional intimacy of marriage, having children, etc. are left with the option to marry. For a lot of people, the legal system making divorce easy is no real reason not to marry.