While the constitution says for the people of the people and by the people you are right to say that this country is getting out of control. Illegal health care programs is right. Especially for people like me who can't afford to pay the fines let alone the actual insurance premiums. I don't think Obama actually realizes and possibly even doesn't care what the constitution says and I'll be so bold as to say his actions while in office are becoming reckless.
What most Americans don't know is that Obama is deliberately driving the US dollar down. He is doing
the same thing I think it China or Japan did in the early 90s. It destroyed their country and now almost
20 years later, they still have only recovered by about 60%. They are still trying to recover. It looks
like the US is next if someone doesn't stop this maniac.
Obama has also put tens of thousands out of work in CA to protect a fish. This area is where most
of the tomatoes for the US come from. The result will be sky rocketing cost for tomatoes and that
means all related products like pizza. By doing so, Obama can then offer to have NATO supply the
US with tomatoes which is part of his goal to make the US dependent on NATO. His second goal
is to make US citizens dependent on the govt.
I can't figure out how he can think this will work since he is increasing unemployment which means
less taxes are being collected while expenses to fund this are increasing.
If we do survive Obama's health care madness, he will then hit with his carbon tax program. The
carbon tax alone of the US govt is too high for US citizens to pay. And on top of this, you still have
to pay your personal carbon tax for anything electric you use.
In addition, Obama has just released control of the internet from the US which controlled it 100%
and will now allow other countries to control part of it even though it was US technology that
created and built the internet. NATO has long wanted to implement a cost/email for using the internet.
The reason it was never allowed was because of US control of the internet. If Nato now pushes
for 5 cents/email, this is billions of dollars that will be generated. Another reason NATO was
never approved to charge was because there was no way to know what NATO would do with
such massive unregulated funding. But now that Obama wants the US under NATO rule, he is
making easier for NATO to implement the per email cost which can be used to fund NATO so
they can just walk in and take the US over. Its scary what this social dictator is doing to our free