From time to time we get people coming into this forum and talking about mental illness. While on the rare occasion, there might be a spiritual component, a lot of times, the real source is a disease of the brain, which causes a chemical imbalance.
I want to encourage everyone who works with someone who is going through any kind of mental illness, from major depression, through to schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, to work with the medical community, but also with the Christian community.
For too long, the mentally ill have be condemned, instead of encouraged, helped and supported in the Christian community. I was supposed to start a Depression Support Group in January in my church, which I was really excited about. My church was also supportive, but a change in Rheumatoid Arthritis meds has me unable to follow through!
Anyway, this is a good blog to read by a pastor, about his experience with severe depression and anxiety, and how his attitude changed, when he was confronted by his own mental illness.
Should Christians Take Medication for Mental Illness? | Perry Noble Blog | Perry Noble � Senior Pastor of NewSpring Church
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Should Christians Take Medication for Mental Illness? | Perry Noble Blog | Perry Noble
I want to encourage everyone who works with someone who is going through any kind of mental illness, from major depression, through to schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, to work with the medical community, but also with the Christian community.
For too long, the mentally ill have be condemned, instead of encouraged, helped and supported in the Christian community. I was supposed to start a Depression Support Group in January in my church, which I was really excited about. My church was also supportive, but a change in Rheumatoid Arthritis meds has me unable to follow through!
Anyway, this is a good blog to read by a pastor, about his experience with severe depression and anxiety, and how his attitude changed, when he was confronted by his own mental illness.
Should Christians Take Medication for Mental Illness? | Perry Noble Blog | Perry Noble � Senior Pastor of NewSpring Church
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Should Christians Take Medication for Mental Illness? | Perry Noble Blog | Perry Noble
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