Exactly! That is what I am trying to show; the many facets of love.
I think people and even Christians get one part of it, but forget everything else, which can lead to error. Like the "God loves me, so I can do whatever I want."
i have literally had Christians ask me if it was ok to sleep around and act wild in college, because they could just ask for forgiveness after the 4 years. Major *facepalm*
1 John 5:3 is a perfect verse!
Without a doubt many (things) get lumped in under (love) without really understanding what Love really is. I love this and I love that<----has desensitized us to biblical love and it being boiled down to a commandment and or two commandments I should say...It seems strange to me that God should have to command (HIS PEOPLE) to love Him and to love our neighbor/brothers and sisters in Christ as we should. It is a quite simple concept that (WE) make hard by simple rebellion...
Love GOD by Keeping his commandments---->allows us to LOVE our neighbors/brothers and sisters and do what is right by them as we love God by keeping His commandments....
Jesus proved his love for the Heavenly Father and for humanity by two different aspects of Love as found under the above descriptions and....
1. For the Father<----
Obeyed the commandments and fulfilled the (particular) will for Jesus as a man among humanity.
2. For humanity<---
true selfishness as he...
a. Disrobed himself of the Glory that he had with the Father from eternity past...
b. Took upon him the form of a man so as to taste all temptation, trial and even death for humanity...
c. Had absolutely nothing of value in this world
d. Took a brutal beating and scourging while being rejected and spit upon and mocked
e. Gave up his life that we can be redeemed unto the Father by faith and inherit the Kingdom of God with Jesus as co-
Just a point to ponder....