Re: Fornication & Adultery are abominations! If you support them, you're not a Christ
Why have I not seen anything right here?
I would first like to point out that the OP's attitude is not bad. So for those who are so easily offended by the "harshness" of the words the OP used, then you must also be offended to read about John the Baptist and many other prophets. If you are the kind of Christian that will only hear things if you are patted on the back, then you might miss some good information.
But on that point, I do not believe the OP has good information. The Lord has expressed that it is what comes out of us, not what goes in us, that defines who we are. I understand that you are trying to make a good defense for homosexuals so that they do not feel like they are being hated and persecuted alone, so that they understand that it is their actions we are against and not them as human beings. I agree with your intent here, but I do not agree with your claim to righteousness.
Now there is marriage before the Lord and there is a legal marriage. You realize that Israel was bonded to the Lord before Jesus Christ? And how they had the Holy Spirit given to them as well? And then we are married to the Lord through Jesus Christ. Right now is the wedding feast. And John the Baptist was the bridegroom's friend, so we have proof of that.
Now there is absolutely not one word in the Bible about having to have a legal document about getting married. For the Lord said that when flesh comes together, therein is marriage. Hence why homosexuality is a sin without the need for a legal document to make it sin!
So if flesh meets flesh, and they stay together in the Lord, therein is marriage. You cannot call that sin, and the pharisees are wrong to say such. However, I do not say that it is wrong to get legal marriage. It is good, so get it. That way, neither party may feel excused in themselves to leave each other and to think to themselves, "Well, we are not married yet, so then I cannot commit adultery." We have the words to prevent us from allowing ourselves such foolish thinking. But we shouldn't need the words to prevent that thinking, for I should be able to say to myself, "Flesh met flesh. We are married and I am not leaving, regardless of what any law says." How many can do this? Therefore we have the law.
Those who live by the letter must fulfill the letter. But those who live in the Spirit may be guided to the places wherein the Lord wishes for them to be found. Our path should be one led by the Lord, not by our own righteousness.
That being said, these are not justifications for sin. Rather these are justifications to those whom the Lord has brought together by whatever means HE deems necessary, and not by the will of man. And the Lord said that we shall not separate those whom the Lord brought together. That is the seed you plant with your words here, OP, though your intents seem right, they are not. You cause people to think they have sinned though they are with their spouse in Christ. Christians do not cast stumbling blocks before each other, but rather, remove them from before each other's feet!
So though you claim that you stay away from the unrighteousness of media so that you are not infected, your heart has become infected with your self indulgence in righteousness. Therefore what had not entered into you through your senses has come out through your tongue.
But to the others who thought that the OP's attitude is the problem, and yet you also say, "but all the points you make are good", you're extremely wrong and you need to get right today. Who has taught you to call words good and then claim they are bad because they do not taste like honey? Haven't we heard that honey makes the belly bitter? So therefore, what you think tastes good later becomes a witness against you. Now you testify against yourselves.
It is not the attitude of the OP that is wrong, but it is the words merely, and that with good intent. What was the intent of people who called his words good and his attitude wrong? The intent is pretending and accusation.
Who has taught you to raise up Christians with thin skin? Who has taught you to cater and to tickle the ears of the new Christians? Who has said, "for fear that you will run them away, do not be harsh!" Do you fear that the Christians you have raised up are not raised up in fertile soil? Do you fear that too much light will cause the to dehydrate and they will pass out? Or is it for you that you fear? "If the Lord is this way, then I cannot take it. I deserve to be treated with respect!"
I am so annoyed to see this from all of you.
We are always on the way to being perfect, and never quite perfected in the flesh. This I know.
But why am I not seeing powerful Christians anymore? With both grace AND justice. With both judgment AND mercy. With both understanding of the letter of the law AND the spirit of the law? Why must we separate what the Lord saw fit to give us in whole? I do not say follow the laws of the Old Testament. I say they are fulfilled. I say the Lord spoke well, and I say further that the Lord revealed to us HOW to interpret the law. Now if the Lord had interpreted the whole law for us, it would have taken many many books to do so, to lay out every point and detail. Therefore, He gave us the spirit of the law, and that is this: To the Lord the your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. And the second like it, to love your neighbor as you love yourself. So though these be the two commandments, in whatever law you decide to lay upon another, it's foundation is certainly upon these. Now there are many who will convince themselves that they spoke out against people in love. No. I did not even start out this message at first with the sole intent of "I must share this love with them or else they'll die...!" I started out with, "I do not understand why people are missing all of these points. I do not understand how people can be so selfish in all ways." But I do know the reason that I am annoyed by these things is because I DO want everyone to be loved!
If we are not able to find the love at the root of our works, then they are probably not good. If you watch no disgusting thing, and say no disgusting thing, and yet you have not love at the root of your works, then your tree becomes disgusting media in the future. And if you watch all manner of profane things, and yet nothing profane comes out of you, then your tree is fed by the manure, and it grows with great and beautiful fruit, for much wisdom was obtained from what was called garbage. Now that doesn't mean go and find and fill yourself with manure. That's stupid. It means that you are not judged for what you do, but for what becomes of what you do, for in that is the proof of your work.
Finally, IT is best if you people will listen closely to this: IF it is a sin to you, then don't do it. But if it is not, it cannot be counted against you. You law upon your own selves laws that the Lord had not made. You accuse others of those laws that you made for yourselves. You pass down the traditions of people who claimed to be righteous, and claim these came from the Lord, but where in His Word will you find your points? Now the Spirit may reveal points, but if you are listening, then you will learn how to care about the struggles of people in sin, and not to rail against it. However, if it be the sin of a brother or sister to lay burdens upon each other, then these should be dealt with by whatever Spirit the Lord gives to you to deal with it. For some are saved through treats, but some others will not be saved if it is not for Hell fire. So for those who have a problem with fire and brimstone, do not judge it, for fire and brimstone surely exists for the purpose of warning the people. Remember, the people who are hit with the fire and brimstone have time to repent even at the end, and the Lord gives them a little time, and instead they use their time to curse the Lord because of their pain instead of to ask for help. No wonder those people had no salvation: They were easily offended and cursed through their teeth instead of recognizing the Lord's final attempt to get them to convert. Is that same spirit within you who cry at salty words?
So to the salty, I say, be salty! But if you are salty and your words are not right, I'm sure your intent is not far from the truth, but you merely lack some understanding. I love the salty. But to those who are no longer salty, do you not remember what the Lord said? That if the salt has lost its savour, it is no longer good except for to be thrown out and trodden under the feet of men? What do you think will happen to you? Am I being too harsh? OR is your spirit simply unwilling to accept the truth?
Much love to you all.