I'm appalled at the ignorance on this site by professing Christians. The racial agenda is alive and well here on cc.I carefully considered your post before I posted mine.
Agree with what you think lets one know what you think. The truth this is the proving ground we cant even get it right here what in heavens name will the ones that make it to heaven do?
I'll make this simple for you basketball is a sport of slave owners since you wanna go there. Owners who pay their slaves great prices to pick more cotton(sale more tickets) so the owner can do with say anything they want about the slaves or their family with no repercussions. We remember what happened last time don't we? I mean you just don't want to go there on a Christian site. Who the #$@2^&*8%$#@@)(*&6% wants to be a slave in any context?(Ohh You almost made me slip) Yeah we all want to be paid a fair wage but who wants to be a slave? Most rare trying to not be slaves of sin I would like to hope. Just a few purposed thoughts.
My response was to the Bundy quote, not the nba owner's obvious racism. Totally different, obvious I was not commenting on the nba situation and an absolutely bad attempt to discredit and smear my statements.
I am not a marxist. I believe life is earned, not given to you because someone called you a victim.
My God is Jesus Christ, not a government check. I am called to exhibit the fruits of the Spirit one of which is, generosity. Not forcing others you hate to be generous, but your own personal responsibility to help people....
not to make yourself feel better by making those hated evil rich white guys to pay for welfare, which is a totally inaccurate statement. Those evil rich white guys? They got that way by making good decisions with their monies and therefore only pass those tax costs on to the consumer of their goods....you and me.
You have been sold a bill of goods if you think welfare is there to help people. Lets look at stats. 70% of monies collected by the government...goes to the government. I will make this simple for you..,..when your democrat liberal says he is going to help people with a government check, what he really is saying is, he is going to get jobs for his croneys, and increase their wages.
By the way the average private charity gives 70% to those who need it and keep 30% to run the charity.