There is alot to my story. I will try to make it as short as possible. I am a Cancer survivor of 7 years. The year before I found out I lost my father. Here it is 8 years later and last year on the date of my father's anniversary date I found out my husband of 18 years was having an affair. Thinking that was it I also found out that he had had several affairs through our entire 18 years of marriage. Recently I was in a car accident and fractured my pelvic bone in 2 places and am confined to a wheel chair. There are at least 3 women in my neighborhood that my husband had been with along with 2 women who we were good friends with them and their husbands. 1 of those women he was with in my own backyard. So every where I turn I am reminded of the pain by his decisions. I am a Christian and am finding it difficult to focus on the good things that God had given me. My husband had changed his ways and is a Christian also. However he was baptized at the time he was having an affair. I'm at the point where I can't live with him nor can i without him. It's hard to be positive when I am filed with tremendous pain and grief. Betrayal and disloyalty. God forgive me but I can't forgive them or like them for what they have done to me and my kids. I also hope he forgives me for wishing that pain will come to them. They all knew what they were doing and who I was. I have never ever been unfaithful to my husband. I know i will never get an answer why when that's pretty much all I want.
"If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself." 2 Timothy 2:13 KJV.
Jesus is Lord God and He is full of Mercy and Grace.His Tender Care and Love never dries out.He is the Everlasting Father.Although i am not married,i had terrible losses in my family and its somewhat like your past.Trouble after Trouble in every step i take.This is the situation that every Child of God face.Its happening because we Love God more than this world.
i know its not good at times to see the Light..i have had terrible times,still at times going through..
Dear,Please read this with Patience.
Jesus lived a sinless life and because He was Obedient to God the Father for fully accomplishing the Purpose He was sent for by YHWH(God the Father who calls everything into existence from nothing),Jesus was denied Justice for the mission He had to accomplish.So what are we in front of that sacrifice?...The Pain and Suffering a Christian goes through is not tolerated by world.we live in a compassion less world where compassionate are less.And that's why we Go to God.He never goes back on His words.
Because of Losses in my life,i tried to end my life one time and that was at a time i realized there is nothing good in me to please God.And instead of dying,i was lifted up from death by the Spirit of the Lord God Almighty.It was Supernatural.And that day God reminded me the Promise He gave to me sometime back which is
"[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif], [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]." Isaiah 41:10 KJV.
God is Love

.He will not fail you,the day you close your eyes to depart this world,you will be seeing Jesus wiping out your tears.Its a Special Privilege for a Child of God.Even if you feel like fainting in your walk with God.....lean on God,rest on His Chest.He is Love.
God will pull you through.
your Testimony sharing made me feel like there are people like me in this world looking for thanks for Sharing.It's us that God is going to mold so that we become what we did not receive from others,and in time God will make us share that with others who deserve it.When you become Peaceful,Pray a lot.Count Praising to God in numbers like 1000,2,000...5000 etc.
1,000 Praises will take at least 15 minutes,more you take it to 2,000 and 3,000...its a 1 hour time with are making will be touched by the Holy Spirit and tears of Joy will come out then.Do it and Realize,am talking it all from experience.
Its in the midst of troubles that God's Peace Reigns Supreme.Its not easy,i know.But try...A Baby takes time to start walking.Just like that we all have our Learning times.Age doesn't matter,our heart's Desire to be with God matters and then God's Presence can be sensed in our Lives more and more which we couldn't see till then...Revive it even if sometimes we miss it due to various reasons.In time it will become like Breathing..
we got 24 hours a day,a time of 15 minutes to 1 hour Praying is the bets thing we do on that day.It will Bless us.
God Bless.