Six year ago my wife and I were married and non-believers. Six months later I was saved and I turned away from the many vices of my life. My new life rubbed off on her and she began to "sound" like a Christian. I wanted to believe we were beginning this new found purpose I'd been given. Well as the Bible story goes, the couple running from the burning city were told by the Lord to not look back, and my wife could not keep from turning. Ive tried endlessly to the point that I have no more fight left in me to turn her from her ways. The lies and cover ups just keep mounting and although I care for her safety and wellbeing I no longer see her as a wife. She is not the Christian woman that I thought she had become. My question I pose is this: Is it possible for the Lord to call you out of a marriage? If the Lord has a great purpose for His children and puts them in the best situation to fulfill this purpose could He possibly call you out of a marriage from one who is continuously destructive and disobedient to his way of life?
We are 1 month separated.
We are 1 month separated.