1.There is a presidential term limit...2...but there has been petitions in congress to abolish this law.
2. Abhorrent? Compared to the big government, abortion supporting and promoting, gay marriage promoting and supporting, scandal ridden and economic disaster of this democrat president...who is following the letter of the democrat party line? The republicans are saints.
3. What is so fascinating about Michele Obama other than she wants us all to eat rabbit food while she dines on cholesterol plus and spends MILLIONS of dollars on each vacation she takes?
I would never equate Obama with Hitler. That's giving Obama way too much credit. Hitler led his nation almost to world domination. Obama cannot lead a hungry dog with a steak in his hand.
2. Abhorrent? Compared to the big government, abortion supporting and promoting, gay marriage promoting and supporting, scandal ridden and economic disaster of this democrat president...who is following the letter of the democrat party line? The republicans are saints.
3. What is so fascinating about Michele Obama other than she wants us all to eat rabbit food while she dines on cholesterol plus and spends MILLIONS of dollars on each vacation she takes?
I would never equate Obama with Hitler. That's giving Obama way too much credit. Hitler led his nation almost to world domination. Obama cannot lead a hungry dog with a steak in his hand.
Pick your candidate wisely in 2016, a shameful repeat of 2012 will put the GOP down for the next decade.