"The men's rights movement (also known as men's rights activism (MRA), masculism or 'The Men's Human Rights Movement') is a movement that believes that social, legal and economic discrimination against men is present in society to the extent that fighting it deserves an organized effort mirroring feminism. Its membership is primarily male , though some women also identify with the movement and are sometimes known as 'fMRAs.'" -RationalWiki
Men's organizations such as 'A Voice for Men' typically describe their movement in the following manner:
"The Men’s Rights Movement (MRM) is a grass roots, unfunded and loosely associated collection of human rights advocates focused on opposing the marginalization and vilification of men and boys in Western society. The MRM is a non-violent, non-political movement comprised of men and women who believe, based on a growing body of evidence that the human rights of males are being systematically removed by activists, lobbyists, politicians and academicians who cling to a misguided and wrongheaded belief that masculinity is fundamentally violent or harmful. This persistent myth is often referred to as cultural misandry."
A very typical mission statement for men's rights organizations can be found at 'A Voice for Men':
"The Men’s Human Rights Movement (MHRM) is a complicated and often misunderstood social phenomenon. We address a wide variety of issues that affect men and boys — and ultimately women, as well as the culture as a whole.
Additionally, there is a great deal of disinformation about this movement on the internet and in the mainstream media.
With that in mind, we suggest some or all of the following reading materials, as a simple mission statement is not sufficient to fully explain our purpose and objectives."
Indeed there is "a great deal of disinformation about this movement on the internet and in the mainstream media" and liberal feminists like Rachel are contributing to it.
In reality, these groups state that they align with 'The Equal Rights Amendment', written in 1923, to make freedom from discrimination based on sex a matter of Constitutional Law in the United States. Its wording is as clear as it is brief:
•Section 1. Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex;
•Section 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article;
•Section 3. This amendment shall take effect two years after the date of ratification.
Obviously, liberal feminists are disingenuously and deliberately maligning a movement that seeks to correct a blatant feminist imbalance in Western societies in which feminists agitate for a supremacy that is hurting both men and boys.
Your ad hominem Elliot Rodgers example simply leads directly feminist examples such as Valerie Solanas
Valerie Solanas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Let's review:
False Accusations
Almost all rhetoric opposing the Men’s Rights Movement is based on insult, accusation and speculation of motive, and ignores the substance of arguments made in men’s rights literature. To date, no published writing, online or in print has made any serious refutation of men's rights argument. It is the opinion of most men’s rights activists that this failure represents the intellectual, factual, and ethical bankruptcy of active opposition to the men's rights movement. Consequently, only very new writers in the MRM will attempt to engage in substantive debate with opponents of men’s rights. Experienced men’s rights activists generally learn that debate with dishonest, morally bankrupt ideologues is a futile exercise. As a result, much men’s rights writing focuses on exposing the blatant corruption, double standard and anti male bigotry of rhetoric opposing the men’s rights movement.
Ideologues opposing the men’s rights movement are increasingly frustrated by the small but growing success of the movement – and have begun using false criminal accusations against men’s rights activists in efforts to shut them up, using the police to intimidate and silence them.
A common view within the MRM is that police are exploited as enforcers of feminist ideology. This is formalized by sexually biased legislation such as the Violence Against Women Act in the United States, and by use of the discredited Duluth Model informing police policy on domestic violence disputes.
Bad Actors
In addition to accusations and insults, ideologues opposing the men’s rights movement have also demonstrated a willingness to establish fake men’s rights organizations for the purpose of diluting the message of actual men's rights advocates – as well as posing as men’s rights activists but taking extremist or hateful viewpoints, to attribute those views to the larger men’s movement. The website goodmenproject.com founded by Lisa Hickey and Tom Matlack is a feminist funded operation using the first strategy mentioned." - A Voice for Men
Understanding the men’s rights movement
We talked about the manosphere in an earlier thread and now I have found evidence of the end results of this sort of movement. I am not speaking of anyone in this forum, just the consequences of men thinking they are entitled to have women as chattel. Watch out for bad language!
"The Men's Rights Movement as they call themselves is a nebulous group of pickup artists and misogynists who've found each other on line, and are attempting to create a movement based around their hatred, disdain, and fear of women.We know for a fact that Rodgers was influenced by this movement, as he is subscribed to multiple "pick up artist" or "mens rights" channels on YouTube. (For those here that don't use YouTube, when a user subscribes to a channel, they receive notifications when that channel posts a new video.):
Elliot Rodger, Gunman in California Mass Shooting, was influenced by the "Men's Rights Movement"