Sam has publically announced he is gay, and very proud of it. I did no slander.
The bible says homosexuality is a sin. Those who practice sin without repentence are not of high character.
The only point you can make would be a judgement of the world, something christians should not do...
but, this was a very public display of the homosexual agenda and that must be countered.
Homosexuality is a perversion of the natural order, hurts everyone who practices it and no christian can sit by and claim their love for homosexuals and not, in the same public light, call homosexuality a sin.
( Though I admit this forum is not as public as having espn cameras video you kissing your bf on tv )
Its the biblical principle of denying Christ before men. To not comment on the growing homosexual agenda and the inroads it has made into our society would be denying Christ before ya really want Jesus to deny you before the Father?