One of Helen Keller's quote's were
The most beautiful things are felt and not seen.
It is hard to see Jesus as a King, for he is not here.
He said his kingdom, is not of this world.
They mocked him, with a crown of thorns, saying here is your crown.
The word says, He is a high priest, interceding for us,
I'm sure a High Priest is very richly dressed, and no longer wrapped in a shroud cloth.
No longer a crown of thorns, but Adorned with Much Majesty, and Glory, beauty and Honor, as He said
They put on his cross, as mocking him, as a tomb stone,
King of the Jews
in different languages.
So he is not here, just as the angel said, after he arose from the grave, and after he descended, the angel said,
Why are you staring up into the heavens, he is not here.
He has descended, and they said, with the same way he went, he will appear again.
He needs to be close to us, like very close, to feel, him, for as we don't see him now, with our eyes, we must feel his presence, and that is why he said, I leave you my Holy Spirit, and to invite him, into your heart, is how he is felt.
Just as King Melchesadeck interceded for the people of Israel, and bringing a lamb,
Christ now has been the sacrificed lamb, on the altar, in the Holy of Holies, where once King Melchesadeck stood, at the very time Jesus was crucified, the Veil in the temple of the HOly of HOlies, which means, only the HIgh Priest was allowed to enter was torn, open, for all to enter into prayer before a great God, and
Now the door is open to all who want to pray to the God, and no man cometh unto the Father, but through the Son.
He honors us, Psalm 91:15
I will honor him,
So pray, because he died to give us life,
Seeing him as King, it says,
Every knee shall bow, unto Jesus, and every tongue shall confess that he is Lord.