We're long past the 18th century. In Western societies, modern secular feminism is focused on denying men their utility, their resources, their dreams, etc... for the benefit of women.
And the polls show the result. For example,
82 per cent of men believe they have lost their traditional male role in society, feel undervalued, feel disrespected, and believe their voices and opinions unheard.
So the next generation of young straight men are not going to live out the feminist role their predecessors constructed for them.
Studies show they are rejecting modern secular feminism and opting out of the legal entanglements that liberals, spearheaded by modern secular feminists, placed on marriage and fatherhood in numbers never before seen.
Though few of them presently have anything to do with the manosphere (this is slowly changing), they are rejecting marriage and forming non-sexual mutually beneficial supportive relationships with other straight males ("bros before hos") instead of a single female in life-long holy matrimony as they have become far more aware of the radical consequences of divorce to their lives after observing most older males experience them.
But then what is holy matrimony to a modern secular/radical feminist anyways but a way to secure male resources and utility for women in a legal contract. Very few feminists engage in life long holy matrimony. Most are serial monogamists and quite a few of them are lesbian serial monogamists which helps explains why they work so hard to devalue the "holy" part extending marriage to serial monogamists and homosexuals.
And feminism is very expensive make no mistake. All those never married single mothers and fatherless children cost society an enormous amount of money and this is after the courts appropriate male resources and utility (even sometimes
when they are not the father).
Without even considering the lost revenue of tens of millions of children not being raised in functional nuclear families to become middle class taxpayers nor the other expenses incurred with increased incarceration and court costs to society that single parent dysfunction so often creates: just the welfare payouts alone are enormous:
One very good reason why welfare was almost non-existent between 1950-1960 is that America was comprised of functional nuclear families that held a Christian worldview and worked together to make ends meet rejecting the welfare state as dishonorable. Imagine that in 1950, 72 percent of all black men and 81 percent of black women were married.
But then men were respected and benefitted from their exchange of utility in those days.
Watch the youtube videos of sobbing newly divorced young males. The Canadian ones are the best. The newly divorced liberal young male just coming to grips that their primary role in life just changed to that of a mule who will work for more than a decade to get money to their ex to stay out of jail.
Some of them live on couches in friends apartments and homes because all their money goes to their ex (if they don't pay they will be put in jail and begin revolving in and out of jail as they do the time for not paying but then since they didn't pay because they were in jail they simply get put back in jail and this continues for years). They are crushed. They have no hope. All they have to look forward to is working as a slave for their ex who will be with a new man shortly.
The secular feminist response is to degrade and demean men further seeking to exercise legal power over them even more. Young men are increasingly opting out of marriage, trying not to have children, seeking to protect their resources and utility, and seeking to use women for their utility not the other way around.
The secular radical modern feminist can rage all they like because now it's not going to make a material difference whether they do or not. Young men are awakening and, whether quickly or slowly, the other shoe is going to drop eventually.
Myself, I align with Christian epistemology. This isn't God's design for humanity. It's the feminist design for humanity.