My dear brothers and sisters I am so thankful and appreciative to all of you who took the time to respond to my thread. I was so desperate when I posted it and I didn't know what to do or who to talk to. I have been praying and asking God for his grace power and guidance. Since that happened my husband and I still have not communicated (3 days). I have been meditating for the past couple of days and it has been really hard for me, but the Lord has been giving me the strength to keep going and focus on my baby daughter and my own self growth.
I have to say that I am definitely not perfect and I also have my ups and downs. There are times when I can be irritating or in a bad mood toward those around me also just like my husband and my temper may grow and I may say things I shouldn't specially when I have PMS. But with the Lords help I have been trying to change and I have recognized the need to. Since then I have been growing and becoming more and more humble, still it is not something that happens overnight. I have been trying my best to understand my husband and his needs and be the best mother and wife I can be but no matter how much I try or what I do it does not please my husband and I feel very unappreciated, and hurt. I admit, sometimes I make mistakes and say things I shouldn't say or don't mean to hurt the other because at the time I do not realize how it may be taken by offence from the other person. But still that doesn't make it right for them to backlash on me like a whip with words that scar. I do agree though that I have not been submissive as I can/should but the reason is because in the past when I was submissive he would then use me or belittle me even more, so now as a defense I have put on like a hard turtle shell over me and I am just afraid of being submissive because of what he will do if I totally am. So I try to defend myself and I do talk back at him which I know is not good and I agree I have fault in this also. It also has to do with trust issues from my childhood but that's something else. I just can't trust him anymore.
Even with all this I still feel the same way toward my husband since the day we married. He was my first real love and when I met him I knew he was the one I wanted to get married to. All I ever wanted was his love , understanding, care and tenderness. I have always forgiven him and I have forgiven him for this (never said I was not going to) also but I just don't feel like I can be near him or with him until he changes his behavior. I don't think I can handle it anymore. I don't think I can take more pain and hurt coming from him. I just feel like running away and never seeing him because I am afraid he will hurt me again, not because I don't want to be with him or because of unforgiveness. My greatest wish is for us to be the God honoring family that is full of God's love and Light. I have been [FONT=Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif]trying and I feel helpless and frustrated and hurt. My once healthy ego and sense of pride has slipped away and my sense of self-worth is slowly shattering. I have even begun losing confidence in myself and my abilities with all the things he has said to me. The only thing that keeps me going is God's love/hope and my baby daughter.[/FONT]
For those that asked about the diapers, He did return them to the store. I went to the store and asked them. After that put my pride aside and called him and kindly asked him to please return the diapers because the baby needed them and I have no money to buy them which he already knew. That is when he told me he didn't care and that I had to wait until he could. Note, that he also has money saved in the bank so those $15 where not going to leave him bankrupt. He did it because he wanted to humiliate me and control me and to "punish" me for the argument we had had before. Note, this isn't the first time he uses money to put me down and try to manipulate me. In the past he has threatened me with not giving me the weekly cash he gives me for the baby whenever we have an argument. Thankfully my mother out of the little she had gave me to buy the diapers that night. This is why I am looking for a job so I wont have to rely on him and so I can help support my daughter. I also never had plans to be a stay at home mom forever. God willing I would like to go to college and get a degree which was one of my goals before marriage and I also have plans to start my own group family day care. But even though I have told him these things he doesn't understand or acknowledge it in anyway, I feel like he doesn't believe I am able to do these things.
As for my body, After I gave birth I was overweight but have since lost almost all of that weight except for 15 pounds which is not much. I joined the gym (2 weeks ago ) and have been working hard to lose this remaining weight and get fitter but he has not recognized this, instead he made comments like "You think being a wife is only about taking care of the baby looking pretty and going to the gym" referring to me not having the job yet. No matter what I do to please him he always finds something to argue about. There is no single day (not exaggerating) where when we go outside together or he comes over to visit where he won't find time to put me down or remind me that I am a "worthless lazy mediocre government leech good for nothing" like he says. Which is not true at all because first I never wanted to get help from the government and never had before but when I gave birth things where so tight that we just couldn't do it without getting help and as soon as I have a job I will asked them to cancel the help. I have also worked after that in a cafe store and then the old job I had which I quit because of the problems I described in my first post. I have never been lazy, if I don't do something its because of something else but never because of laziness. I am a very determined person. Things just haven't worked out like I wanted them too and he just doesn't understand. I have tried sitting with him nicely and kindly and tell him sweetly to please give me space and let me find the job and he just doesn't stop. 2 days later he is on my case again this has been wearing me down to the point where I am doubting myself.
Now every time he is near me I feel like i'm walking on egg shelves, anything I do or say could make him explode in offensive/defensive anger and whiplash me with his words. It's really exhausting and it does my soul no good at all. I have even refrained myself sometimes from even touching him in fear that he will reject me or do or say something that will make me hurt. I feel like he doesn't love me anymore like he has lost interest or never was in love with me. It saddens me greatly because I do love him and I have fought for this 'love' even to the point of having my relationship with my family change because of being with him, I didn't listen to my mother and my family when they told me he wasn't my type. My mother and I still argue about me being with him even to this day she and him do not get along. But even besides all this I didn't let their comments separate us and I choose to believe in his love and marry him, now I feel like I was cheated or denied that love and joy that you are supposed to receive when you are newlyweds. I don't feel happy at all.
Thank you for all you advice which I have been meditating on and thank you so much
proverbs35 and
Angela53510 for the links. I have been reading and absorbing the wisdom that you shared with me. I will keep praying about this and I have trust in God that everything will work out for good in the end.