There are several people I've talked to on here within the last week or two that are just going through rather difficult times. You know what? They don't end, but I will say this.
I caught my ex sending indecent text messages, and taking off for the weekend to see another guy. When I left my ex I was chastised by someone very close to me and was told that I needed to apologize to my ex and tell everyone it was my fault. I fought for my kids and got ripped off by my lawyer and still lost. In an effort to better my life, I went back to school, only to have to drop out again two months later because of things going on with my ex's boyfriend at the time.
I would not trade anything that has happened. In the midst of all of this, as well as being hurt by more people, and stood up by dates, I found God in my life. I fell in love with a savior who, when all the world was against me, stood at my side saying "I love you, all will be ok." I felt Him wrap me up in His arms and not let go of me in times where I thought I could see no hope, and no end to the madness. I found God, I found Love. My heart, and my soul.
I'm not where I want to be, things aren't always great, but I know He is with me, and without all the garbage that got thrown at me, I would not have seen Him like I can see Him now. I would not have grown as close to Him as I am now. And I would not know Him like I know Him now.
Cris, ww_21, Ugly (and of course everyone else here I know
), you guys are on my heart always, and I pray for you daily. Cris and ww_21 get hugs, Ugly gets a sprinkle of glitter