I just want to know where the "Moral Burger" LOL. Burger Queenie is all about celebrating the sin of Sodom but where is the MORAL BURGER?
Burger King selling a
Burger King selling a
It would probably be made of farm-reared, non-corn fed beef from an animal that's legs didn't buckle under its own body weight. The slaughterhouse would employ underprivileged people working for a living wage who treated the animal with genuine respect. The burger would have bread buns from independent wheat farms given fair trade prices for their crop. It would also come without sawdust or paper.
And it would never exist in a fast food chain like Burger King because their business practices, just like McDonalds and the rest, are not moral.
People get offended because Burger King sells a 'gay whopper' but don't bat an eye when the companies keep livestock cramped, over-fed and in horrid conditions, then slaughter and mince in large batches (a practice that is a huge health risk for bacterial growth, thus for human consumption), wash with chorine solutions and also fund politicians and organizations that actively lobby against tougher food safety standards regulations that are at the end-of-the-line hugely detrimental to public health. Not only that, the companies have been known to employ illegal workers at a fraction of minimum wage, workers who have no choice but to comply to all the companies' demands to work unethically or face deportation, and these companies buy up livestock farmers then levy them with huge debts to keep them under the thumb. Independent farming is dying, and these immoral companies are what makes up the majority of meat production firms.
Seems it takes for something to be 'gay' about something before anyone wants to give a hoot.
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