The Bible is clear. There are a number of verses to consider, that relate to the role of women in the home and in the church, and references to women in ministry and what women did in/for the church, etc. There are a few things that can be used to try to promote the idea of women in authority (or teaching in the church), but:
1. We have to interpret the
unclear in light of the
2. We have to be careful to not be biased by our feminist society/culture/upbringing
If we're biased by our own God-forsaken culture/society, then we might end up interpreting the
clear in light of the
unclear, which is what a lot of people do on this topic, to try to make it fit in with "today" (or their own thinking which is influenced by the culture of today).
So yah, 2 Tim 2 and 1 Cor 14 (esp. vs. 34-35) answer this question very clearly. Any other "unclear" references should be interpreted in light of (or with) these very clear instructions.
And by the way, Paul even covered the "cultural" argument -- right there in 1 Tim 2 he said that a woman should not teach or have authority over a man [in the church]
because Adam was made first. Hence, the instruction here in the scripture is not based on some archaic inferior culture of that particular time. Rather, it's based on creation -- the roles that God made man and woman for (in the home and in the church). Perhaps our own culture is the problem? Perhaps what's "cultural" is not this scripture, but people's interpretation/bias. We're so influenced by our culture in interpreting the scriptures. Anyway............
This is a good topic which can be further explored in some way at some time here (and I'm sure it will come up regularly, and it needs to).