I choose to learn in every way I am capable.
From all of Gods creation.
From his animals who know nothing of his laws written on our hearts
To people who don't realize Gods laws are written in their hearts but still their actions speak more clearly than some of Our own Christian words.
For example, I have a friend who doesn't claim to be a Christian.
He drinks more than in moderation, has extramarital relationships, cusses etc.
Why am I a friend to him?
Because in many ways I am the only influence of Christ as well as just general friendship.
But at the same time while he is a heathen, more than most of us by Christian standards.
He is the type of guy who says...hey if you need anything my garage door is unlocked.
Comes by about once a week just to say hi and see hows it going. No other reason.
Might bring by some fresh deer meat after a hunt just to share the wealth of blessing..
Rarely asks for a favor in return and doesn't get upset if a favor is not able to be returned at that particular time.
We respect each other and I've let it be known that I've prayed for him.
From that friend, I also learn from...he does more good by managing his friendships than most Christians do including myself.
When many others are too busy, he makes time.
So here's the thing...
While it is true these behaviors can be mimicked by an enemy so as to deceive.
One doesn't have to be a Christian
1. to exhibit Godly or respectful behavior or
2. for us to notice and admire such in another.
I seen a bear on youtube fish a drowning crow out of the water with its paw.
Does the bear need to be a Christian for us to admire his behavior?
Crow rescue - YouTube
What would be your take on Rahab the Harlot who was spared for her redeeming behavior toward Gods people?
Hebrews 11:
By faith the prostitute Rahab, because she welcomed the spies, was not killed with those who were disobedient.
Phil 4:8
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.
When we open our eyes to see we may learn more from all of Gods creation than what mere words can teach.