To me, it seemed like I'm reading the situation of my brother with two kids. Only the difference is he's not receptive and very transparent about it. He's not seeking God and instead, he is so prideful to acknowledge he has a problem and not owning his mistakes. He's not taking responsibility, always blameshifting.
I admire your transparency, courage and humility to post this thread. It only shows that you are fighting for your relationship with God and your marriage.
As I'm reading your thread and the poster's response, I'm having a deeper understanding of my brother's predicament. Please bear with my grammar and other wordings.
Only pls. focus to what I'm trying to convey.
You said that:
...I wish I could get my wife to discuss about this problem and visit counsellor with me. I guess a Christian counsellor is not what she wants though.
I said:
Good for you to executiing your best to make it out with your wife. I only felt like she's not open for anything that you are proposing. As you are very open to your thought life, with her she's not. I felt like God is permitting her to be close-minded because maybe she's also into something. I don't know if that is an illicit affair, or hardly a mere grudge to you, or a personal struggle to herself like insecurities and envy for her friends' status in life.
But my suggestion is this. Before attemtpting to interprest and examine her attitude towards you, why not le God examine you first? Yes, you are in bible reading and praying, but what about TRUSTING? How was your trust-level in God?
You said that:
I'm not very good in bible yet.. is there some particular verses that could be good to read when I start feeling weak about this?
You know the story of Solomon? He is a walking-wisdom. He's full of wisdom but he's not full of the Spirit. At first, God was pleased with what he wished and prayed for them when given all the benefits he got from wisdom, he forgot that he was simply a man with a crown only on his head, and a power that is limited to God's apppointed time. Well, don't we all commit the same mistake?
fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
Fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom.
Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgment.
Addiction to porn, masturbation and any kind of self-gratification starts with having
NO HEALTHY FEAR IN GOD. Why do you think people kill other people? Because they have no fear for the consequence, no fear of tomorrow. No fear of the one who can kill their body and soul - GOD. They are above Him, they are above the law.
The next is they don't have knowledge. They don't know God, Their Gods are themselves. They understand their thoughts and feelings only and not other's feelings and thoughts. What would Jesus do if he's in front of a computer. Would he click it and open the porno? What would he have felt?
You said that:
And I guess I should study more what bible says about marriage because I don't feel comfortable in my marriage. One thing what disturbed me back in time when we used to have physical intimacy was use of birth control. We have two kids but both those were planned ones and those were the only times she let us be intimate without birth control, otherwise she forced me to put a condom on and even tried to persuade me to get sterilized after second baby. I don't .. or I should say didn't feel comfortable with it.
I said:
Mentioning about two children. How old are they now? My nephews are 17 and 6 years old. Because of my brother's addiction to porno, sometimes he forgot to log-out. The kids are using the same computer. I was then furious that I saw my two nephews browsing in You Tube those porno! How could I eradicate that from their mind? Think of the consequences it will bring to your family. Think that it will even destroy your self-esteem. Have you watched the FIREPROOF movie?
Please. please. I plead you, stop it! Humble yourself before men. Don't wait for God to humble you. You may not be able to cope if he deals with you.
We are praying for you. May God use you powerfully just like Peter.
Luke 22:31-32
31 “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift each of you like wheat. 32 But I have pleaded in prayer for you, Simon, that your faith should not fail. So when you have repented and turned to me again, strengthen your brothers.”