Nice response.
I know that Jesus is not any sort of his creation. The Angel Gabriel giving the Virgin Mary what was to come proves that.
I could not answer when someone asked me why God did not know the day of his own return. When a non Christian is struggling with this passage. He wants to be a believer. Then Jesus lied, or the the Bible is not accurate and truthful come to his mind. One really wants to be helpful and have a good answer for them.
This does lead to some speculation on the Trinity. Separate yet One ? They all three are egual. But maybe they decided its the fathers decision of when Jesus returns. So this information was not given by the father to Jesus when he walked the earth. This seems like a fair answer to give in the future. Example!.. If you had three 4 star generals in one room.
All three are equal in power. yet they have different knowledge and personality.
Dearly beloved, blessed infant in the Kingdom of GOD, JESUS was truly flesh and blood, same like any man but fully, inwardly HIS body, spirit and soul were Spiritual and was obedient and was only to the will of GOD, here on earth. That's why in the beginning chapter of the epistle to the Hebrews, GOD Himself say to HIS SON and not even to any other the angels, that;
"You are God."
As a spirit man towards only to the things of Heaven, the will of GOD the FATHER here on earth, had no friendship nor relationship to the pattern of this world of carnal/fleshly men, enslaved in sins. JESUS's birth was as i believe, similar to the Isaac's birth, when Abraham was 100 years old and Sarah was 96, they were given a promised child and as similar to a promised MESSIAH. According to the flesh, JESUS is referred as the SON of man,
meaning = SON of GOD came from man, from the line of David, that is Joseph HIS man father, engaged to virgin Mary, in order to fulfill GOD's prophecy for man.
In 1 Corinthians chapter 15, JESUS is referred to as the second Adam born of flesh and blood and of the SPIRIT/spirit and is the spirit man and Spiritual. Unlike the first Adam, born of flesh and blood and is the carnal/fleshly fashioned man, chose to live to the necessities and pleasures of this. That is why man, the first Adam and all the other man came from and after him, even those who were still with GOD in Israel, could not understand GOD even through HIS Old Covenant and also fulfill HIS requirement, those who were created in HIS image, due to the bondage of 'lawlessness' and lawlessness is 'sin'.
So JESUS is the ordinary flesh and blood and inwardly the new spirit man, created also in the image of GOD, but in 'GOD's fullness and likeness', not turning to the left or right like us, but understood everything and fulfilled and accomplished everything, as GOD and for GOD, that JESUS is not wrong to call GOD, His FATHER and with GOD, the HOLY SPIRIT, for fellow man in bondage to the pattern of this world of satan and liberate them and be reconciled with GOD, the FATHER, sanctify/set apart for now in the Kingdom of GOD, here on earth, under the New Covenant/Testament teachings written in the HOLY BIBLE, taught by the Teacher the HOLY SPIRIT, in order to 'abide' in JESUS's words and love and be fruitful.
You are not alone because i was like you struggling to explain to others but the HOLY SPIRIT has taught me only in revelation from the Holy Scripture, what i needed to know and am able to share in service to you. Sometimes the Gentiles ignorantly like to test us, asking a lot of questions that deviate from initial discussion. JESUS did not answer every question that were thrown onto HIM but HE was wise to know their hearts and throw to them accordingly for them to repent first from hypocrisy.
i hope the Helper/Comforter, the HOLY SPIRIT have broaden your spiritual understanding in the sharing. Ask HIM for guidance and continue with HIM HOLY BIBLE reading and witnessing.
Thank you, be blessed in the name of LORD JESUS CHRIST, in GOD's kindness and peace