I just love how that one pacifist dude thought I was actually bragging. As if I would brag about that situation that my sister and I went through.
Just if it ever happens again (which I hope not) I am more prepared. One in the pipe full mag no safety to worry about and 2 extra mags in the pocket. And I don't "rock and roll" I "heavy metal"!!!
Both of you have been either bragging and/or exhibiting the fruits of the flesh. In your case, I did not say that you were bragging but rather exercising the vanity of pleasing the flesh by throwing a rock through someone's window. Which isn't as much of an act of defense as it is of defiance and revenge.
Jason has been the most Christ-like person in this conversation. It would seem he has not even raised his voice while being surrounded by accusers and misrepresentations and practically no one on his side besides myself. This man has been exhibiting the fruits of the Spirit while those who are advocating what is supposedly self-defense have been unleashing secular talk about their favorite guns and wine as well as bragging about how much pain they would inflict on someone who hypothetically assaulted a family member and how they would lose control and beat the living day lights out of violent people.
With that, I leave this conversation to the audience to determine and weigh my words if they are true. Are these people who advocate for violence in violent situations the shining examples of Christian maturity that you would wish to be in a few years? Are they striving to die to themselves and live a crucified life? Or are they still pursuing heavily after the things of this life and unwilling to let go? Be careful who you follow. They could lead you right into a ditch.
I'll leave this to the viewer to exercise Christian discernment in this issue. Consider my opinion invalid, if you wish (since I am biased as a pacifist) and go back and read what has been said and the manner in which it has been spoken.