What was accepted as true science in Darwin's day has been greatly diluted to become fables, theirhypotheses elevated to science theory status without meeting the requirements of a science theory verification process.
At least you know the different between hypothesis and theory.
But you still fail to understand how science works. Science isn't used to just verify what can be observed in one setting, but to uncover the past.
Evolution is unobservable
This is like saying we can't verify dinosaurs were ever alive because we've never seen a living dinosaur. We have their fossils, therefore we can conclude they were once living. If you can't directly observe a phenomena, then you must look at the evidence to draw your conclusions.
there being no evidence of one species sliding into another with a fossil record showing the intermediate steps.
Yes, there is.
Can you tell me which fossils are human?
29 Evidences for Macroevolution: Part 1
Every fossil dug up ought to have a series of those nearby or in the same geologic stratum.
Most dead organisms decay. It's actually quite uncommon for an animal's remains to become fossilized. Most living organisms that die do not become fossilized. The only reason we have so many fossils today is because we've had millions of years and an unimaginable number of organisms come and go.
But all we find are the finished products. The fossils attest to creation of "kinds".
There's no such thing as a "finished" or "unfinished" product when it comes to the theory of evolution. Life constantly evolves with no goal.
ately some dinosaur bones have been discovered with blood components in the bone marrow. "It's an enigma" is the response of evolutionist scientists who often ignore truths unearthed by real scientists.
But what are "blood components"? The following video explains the myth that often surrounds this find and explains how "blood components" doesn't disprove evolution theory.
My favorite ministry supporting the creation science view is Institute for Creation Research. Amazing things there online. They have many examples of evidences that support creation and the Genesis flood using the same physical data, fossils, etc. that evolutiomnists use.
Yes, the do use the same physical data and fossils real scientists (evolutionists) use. They look at different layers and conclude a great flood sorted the layers out and they conclude the fossils are either randomized or assorted by weight. The problem is, they can't prove the former and the latter is demonstrably untrue.
Many books, much media covers the facts.
The problem is, if you automatically assume all evidence that supports evolution must be false because it contradicts the Bible, then that means you are making it literally impossible to know whether or not the evidence actually does or does not support evolution. You can't siphon legitimate claims from illegitimate claims if you're going to automatically assume they're all false.
Someone linked the Bill Nye - Ken Ham debate and the two men were asked "What would it take to change your mind." Ken Ham openly admitted that his mind can not be changed. If your mind can't be changed, then that means one will not accept evidence that is true - not even in a hypothetical world. That is to say, if evolution is true and supported by evidence (even if it's in a hypothetical world), Ken Ham would STILL reject it!
Public school students won't be presented the truth, but will be told simply "we believe" thngs that can't be scientifically supported.
Yet you have no problem with creationism being taught in schools.
Evolution is mostly assumption.
Well, no. Evolution is a theory supported by mountains of evidence. As we obtain more evidence, we discover certain claims we've made that were previously untrue. As we uncover more and more evidence, we become more and more correct over time.
Before responding to my statement, read the following:
Asimov - The Relativity of Wrong
Ages of fossils are often based on ages of rocks, while ages of rocks are based on ages of fossils. Circular beliefs.
Wrong. Wikipedia lays everything out pretty well and if you don't trust Wikipedia you can refer to the sources.
Radiometric dating - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And before you go on about how radiometric dating is completely unreliable, that's just simple bogosity. We know that radiometric dating can be flawed, but we understand where the flaws come from. Understanding when radiometric dating doesn't work helps us avoid flawed results.
Luckily Potholer, who's videos I have been linking, goes over this as well:
Also watch his video "The Age of Earth Made Easy":
If we're going to debate this issue, let's stick to very specific topics such as rock layers, transitional fossils, or dating methods. Because often when I present my case against a creationist claim on one topic, such as rock layers, they'll try to change the topic to transitional fossils. And when I respond to them proving transitional fossils, the move on to dating methods. And during this entire debate, they never acknowledge they were wrong or try to further disprove my most recent rebuttals.