Two years ago my husband if almost seven years now admitted he had an affair. It was very short lived affair one time thing. We sought counseling and after me living outside the home for six months I returned. We have had ups and down . Thank God for a wonderful cousler who we both still keep in close contact with. I'm turning 27 this June and our second child turns one in about a month. She has been such a blessing after so much heart ache God blessed us with another child. But despite all the healing I still have a load I carry everyday. I try and give it up to god daily I admit its a struggle. Sometimes I feel like I can't find my place anylonger after the affair I lost so called friends because they could not understand why I stayed with my husband let alone have another child with him. I know these were not true friends. I long daily for the conversation and friendship of another women who can understand my struggle. The lord has blessed me with a wonderful husband who has asked for forginess and does everything in his power to help me heal. I suffered from some postpardom depression after the baby was born and I feel like about four months ago a cloud was lifted off of me. I feel like in standing here asking God what now..I don't want to be a depressed mother ..I want to live each day for Christ but I long for earthly friendships that hold meaning other than my husbands . I feel like I'm the only 27 year old with two toddlers who has had a Rocky marriage that's survived. I want to fully live my life and live my husband but somedayz I just want to scream I need some advice how do I hear God and his plan for me above all the noise of this world.