Just wanted to post that I met part of what will become my new family Sunday 11/9/14 at a Bible study they were having as a family unit.
I come from a small family and because my half brother, (we share the same mother), was 16 years older than me and my half sister (we share the same father but she lived with her mother) was 12 years older than me I grew up like an only child.
At any rate 11/27/14 I will marry tourist and he comes from a larger family than I did and on that day I will gain 4 new brothers, a sister plus another mother, a daughter and 3 grand daughters . Sunday was a wonderful day meeting most of them and interacting them during and after the Bible study that was held.
With larger families comes a lot of extra noise as getting that many people in one room there is lots of talking going on, larger families also provide more interesting personalities and to say the least as time goes on and I get to know them better will add more variety to my life.
I was just wondering how the rest of you felt when you became part of a New Family?
My new family made me feel welcome and accepted me and included me in what was going on and made me feel as though I belong there with them and I look forward to many more family functions to be able to get to know each of them better.
It made me think of the larger family of God as a Christian that believes in creation if you really think about it we are all related and are brothers and sisters in Christ. Adam and Eve started this family of God and the world population is in the billions at this point and whether a person is a Christian or not we all came from the same original humans that were created in the beginning.
Makes me wish that we could treat each other as loving brothers and sisters and have the feeling of acceptance that I felt on Sunday. If we could just learn to love each other instead of fighting over topics of discussion and our points of view that may differ from one another what a better environment CC could be. The new comers to the site might feel more welcomed and not be sent running from harsh replies and non Christian attitudes that can sometimes happen.
But please do share how you have felt becoming a part of a New Family as I would like to know how you felt.
I come from a small family and because my half brother, (we share the same mother), was 16 years older than me and my half sister (we share the same father but she lived with her mother) was 12 years older than me I grew up like an only child.
At any rate 11/27/14 I will marry tourist and he comes from a larger family than I did and on that day I will gain 4 new brothers, a sister plus another mother, a daughter and 3 grand daughters . Sunday was a wonderful day meeting most of them and interacting them during and after the Bible study that was held.
With larger families comes a lot of extra noise as getting that many people in one room there is lots of talking going on, larger families also provide more interesting personalities and to say the least as time goes on and I get to know them better will add more variety to my life.
I was just wondering how the rest of you felt when you became part of a New Family?
My new family made me feel welcome and accepted me and included me in what was going on and made me feel as though I belong there with them and I look forward to many more family functions to be able to get to know each of them better.
It made me think of the larger family of God as a Christian that believes in creation if you really think about it we are all related and are brothers and sisters in Christ. Adam and Eve started this family of God and the world population is in the billions at this point and whether a person is a Christian or not we all came from the same original humans that were created in the beginning.
Makes me wish that we could treat each other as loving brothers and sisters and have the feeling of acceptance that I felt on Sunday. If we could just learn to love each other instead of fighting over topics of discussion and our points of view that may differ from one another what a better environment CC could be. The new comers to the site might feel more welcomed and not be sent running from harsh replies and non Christian attitudes that can sometimes happen.
But please do share how you have felt becoming a part of a New Family as I would like to know how you felt.