There are many brilliant scientists who are Christians, or Jews, or Muslims, or Muslim, or Agnostic (eg Charles Darwin). What they are not is a creationist.
In the Christian faith there are many living scientists who are active in faith and science. I recommend:
Ayala: Roman Catholic and biologist.
Giberson: Evangelical Protestant and physicist. He did not star in his history studies.
Miller: Roman Catholic, and biologist.
Roberts: Anglican priest and geologist.
Stearley: Evangelical Protestant, and geologist.
Young: Evangelical Protestant, and geologist.
Ayala, Francisco
2006 Darwin and Intelligent Design Minneapolis: Fortress Press
Collins, Francis S.
2006 The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief New York Free Press- Simon and Schuster
Giberson, Karl W.
2008 “Saving Darwin: How to be a Christian and believe in evolution” New York: HarperCollins
Ken Miller
1999 "Finding Darwin's God" New York: HarperCollins
Roberts, Michael
2008 "Evangelicals and Science" Greenwood Press
Young, Davis A., Ralf F. Stearley
2008 "The Bible, Rocks and Time: Geological Evidence for the Age of the Earth" Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press