When I was say 14, started getting in a lot of trouble, wound up in juvi for weeks at a time. I was a outcast, I didn't quite fit in anywhere. My parents are catholic and I did go to catholic schools, where I never fit in as well. So one stint in juvi, my probation officer told me if I screwed up I'm going away for at least 6 months. Screwed up immediately smoking weed, got caught with test that the po popped on me.Then he gave me two option, jail or this bible boot camp, I went with the boot camp called "the way builders" where over a six month period I gave God my heart and soul, dedicating myself to not only read the bible but to rewrite it and do small labor jobs for the camp, it was the most structure I had in my life at 17. God was instilling His words in me for serious battle later on in life. "I'm in tears thinking about it" I went on to successful finish the program and wrote a poem at 17 that prophesied my life at 28. My Golden birth year where it all got to real for me. I did good in the world for the first few weeks but had surrounded myself with the same not to smart people that just wanted to do what they wanted and before I knew it, I was selling drugs and robbing houses. I ended up in hunts correction facility at 17 the same year for robbing a house. I came out with a hard heart and was selling more drugs. I got caught again, went back to prison for another year. This time though I found something I loved and it was the lady I'm with now. I came out started my own lawn care business "still selling drugs, weed". All kinds of mess, being stabbed, pulling guns on people and people pulling them on me. nothing happened till Aug 2005 "hurricane Katrina". I went to Cali with my mother and girlfriend for six months, when I got back, it got even worse for me. A prescription pill addiction quickly escalated to me in the projects of New Orleans picking up herion, I snorted the stuff for years and now was selling cocaine. I would still pray at night, He was listening but wasn't responding for His own reasons I guess. Then I had my beautiful baby boy, little Walter, it absolutely started to change me, I didn't want him looking up to a drug dealer or nothing of the like, something had to change. I was able to drop back off the herion, for the lesser pills and zanx, was at a place that I was in control to a degree. I'm saying to myself what else can I do because I can't do this any longer, I didn't want to sell poison, I want to be something my son can be proud of. A friend was going to a movie set and I thought... This is perfect I always wanted to be in the movies after being a featured extra with Dennis hopper in "double crossed" when I was real young. We signed up and was excepted to attend the set " Grudge match " where I went from being just a regular extra to a featured extra as they insisted. I had to hold a camera and sit at the ropes of the ring and act as if I'm taking pictures of Sylvester Stallone and Robert dinero, this weird vibe was on this set and I couldn't put my finger on it. Something was up and I was starting to feel humiliated. I didn't understand what was going on around me and it's hard to explain, then one of them walked past me in the ring " a star actor" and said I'm not that much of a satanist.....it all clicked, I knew I wasn't living right but I knew I didn't want to be that. I was surrounded by directors and set managers moments later, asking me, why did I want to leave. I told them that my son was a little under the weather, which he was and I wanted my check for the day, one got real angry, was huffing and puffing, then says ...so you don't live to far from here eh?... My response was No, come and see me!! Was not scared at one instant just angry and upset. I left feeling like a failure, it was just one more thing I couldn't do. I didn't know what to do, I did know this was a battle for my soul going on and I cried out on my knees to Jesus with the bible in front of me when I got home that night. I asked Him if He was watching and seeing all this, what was going on, I was in a panic like no other, a storm raging inside me, I opened the bible, it flipped to proverbs 15:3 The eyes of The Lord are in all places watching over the wicked and the good..... A peace instantly came over me, I was taking pain meds and anxiety meds, the next day, nothing, Praise Jesus! my life has never been the same Thank you Jesus Christ for delivering me from a world of sin. Over time the Holy Spirit has given me a message. These churches that are preaching these false messages, I think he wants us to tell people to stop putting Him in a box because he's everywhere watching everything. He's not at the baptist church more then the Adventist church, He lives in the hearts and the minds that have instilled His words on their hearts. I was saved again in the four walls of my own home, just crying out for life or death, He is everywhere. I still am looking for that career, it's been 2 years since this has happened I'm 30 now, Thank God. He has sent people my way to strengthen my faith.Thank you Jesus! May God bless you and I love all of you.