I read it on-line: Sacred Theory of the Earth
I suspect that the Reverend Thomas Burnett after 300 years of study from the time of his death, until now would have managed to keep pace with geology. I find it odd that you are apparently stuck in a time warp.
John Calvin could almost have you in mind when he wrote,
Genesis, Vol. I, Part 3 (1554).
You missed his point and my point that the greatest mind on earth, the renowned scientist Isaac Newton, agreed with Burnett on Burnett's geology. Newton also held fast to the notion of Adam and Eve being of special creation, apart from animals. Newton was a Christian, and in many ways can be identified as the first "creation scientist". That man Newton, far above your intellect, suspected longer days at creation, though now science proves that detail to be wrong by tiny increments of time as the earth's rotation slows according to laws of physics, the days growing longer. The quote you used was a mutually agreed principle that warns YOU guys, not Christians, to employ the Bible towards truth, not atheistic science beliefs. They understood. Your bunch is blinded by Satan, so we understand that a big part of your mental potential is blocked by spiritual depravity, leaving you in a whirlpool of doubt and soul-killing unbelief.
John Calvin was a heretic, not followed by the great majority of Christians then, or now. It is so interesting that atheists, skeptics, scoffers, and the like are drawn to the heretics, and consistently fail to recognize error concerning the word of God. Of course that set the stage for taking the lying side of science, lying about empirical evidences. That caused many Christians who were and are Christians who have no logical reason to reject Genesis, to come out opposing atheistic evolutionists.
Note that the latest issue of Acts & Facts from ICR.org (Fountains of the Deep) by Dr. Clarey, Ph.D. geology, exposes yet another failure of secularists concerning evidences of a world-wide flood. It is supported by real geology that revels how confounded secular geologists remain. A greater list of similar articles is at
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I realize you will castigate any professional that threatens your imaginary world. You complained a while back that certain experts we cite have little or no papers online. That is true for you, using every public web crawler, showing but Twitter comments and the like. You let out a few direct links of your own stuff, but fail to self identify by linking to a university confirmed source by which we can confirm your own actual qualifications, and of course identity. Are you really "Dr. Hurd as claimed here?", or an imposter? People that accuse are usually in need of being accused. I am watching for a consistently intellignet professor that is not so easily caught in his own webs.
The really important research is, as you ought to know, propitiatory and is for sale on a "pay per view" status. The scientists want to be paid for access. That is reasonable. So why condemn others whose contributions are "not peer reviewed" when your judgment is based on failure of Google to give it free? I have refrained from casting excess negative opinion of you because I know why it is hard to find published papers unless the authors release them as public domain.