ad hominem attack- means responding to arguments by attacking a person's character, rather than to the content of their arguments.
First off here is the definition of ad hominem attack, I was not attacking your character just simple asking about the motivation behind your comments here and offering my opinion on what it may be. I actually made it clear it was only my opinion and even asked you to clarify what it truly is, which you didn’t even answer by the way. If this can be considered an ad hominem attack then surely you coming on here declaring that anyone that doesn’t blindly accept evolution simple can’t understand it (implying you are just smart enough to understand something we lack the intelligence to grasp), is an ad hominem attack against most people on this site. What I did was smack you in the mouth with truth and it offended you as truth usually does when we are blind to it. If what I accused you of doing isn’t true then just clear it up, and the only thing you’ve been “sufficiently clear and precise” about is playing the victim in -->my opinion<--. If what I said offended you, I apologize, but I still can’t think of any logical or rational reason for these kind of comments then what I said in the last comment. If I’m so dead wrong then clear it up for everyone.
First off here is the definition of ad hominem attack, I was not attacking your character just simple asking about the motivation behind your comments here and offering my opinion on what it may be. I actually made it clear it was only my opinion and even asked you to clarify what it truly is, which you didn’t even answer by the way. If this can be considered an ad hominem attack then surely you coming on here declaring that anyone that doesn’t blindly accept evolution simple can’t understand it (implying you are just smart enough to understand something we lack the intelligence to grasp), is an ad hominem attack against most people on this site. What I did was smack you in the mouth with truth and it offended you as truth usually does when we are blind to it. If what I accused you of doing isn’t true then just clear it up, and the only thing you’ve been “sufficiently clear and precise” about is playing the victim in -->my opinion<--. If what I said offended you, I apologize, but I still can’t think of any logical or rational reason for these kind of comments then what I said in the last comment. If I’m so dead wrong then clear it up for everyone.