It sounds like someone has been mislead into ''sex is love''. Most believe that, and it's so sad. Usually, but not always, those whom are lead to believe such lies, have had some form of abuse...generally sexual abuse. Anyone that says ''go ahead and have sex'' is wrong, for the word of God warns us of pre-marital sex. It says to flee temptation and things. We shouldn't lead ourselves into temptation. Honey, you're only 22 years old, same as me. Trust me,there's not a single thing out there you're missing from not doing those things. First thing first, it's not just ''sex'' at least it shouldn't be. It should be making love with the one you love so much, that you plan on spending the rest of your life with...or their life, depending on many things like who might pass this life first, or if Jesus returns for us, and all that.
The Bible actually tells us it's better not to marry, however it we can't control ourselves, then we should marry to 'escape' immorality, lust, etc. We're to resist it. I do firmly believe that if we love the Lord enough, while it can be one of the hardest things to do, we CAN resist, and refuse to give into temptation. Now here's a good one to think the Lord's prayer, it says ''lead me not into temptation'', so then why do we as humans tend to lead ourselves there? How unfair is it of us to ask God to not lead us there, then lead ourselves?
Sex does NOT bring healing for anyone either, that's a total lie and myth. I agree with Socperkins. It just doesn't bring healing. Love does. God is love, so God brings healing. The only thing sex/making love can really do to help someone, is maybe, MAYBE show them, hey just because I had a bad experience or many bad experiences with this matter in my past, it doesn't have to be bad. It doesn't really show that though, the person does, in their actions, how they treat you, how they make you feel and so on. God created making love to be a beautiful thing, to replenish the earth. Anyhow, that's just my take on it. God bless everyone