Evolutionary theory does not, and has never, stated that tigers evolved into humans. What you request (evidence of tigers evolving into humans) is like me asking you to show me evidence that Pharaoh sent 10 plagues to Israel and that Mary parted the Red Sea. You can't, because it didn't happen. Likewise, tigers didn't evolve into humans.
Evolutionary theory isn't about making up bridges, it's about seeing the chronological progression of organisms and charting it. We don't start out with a bridge, we find one and do the maths.
Fossils are ALWAYS fluid. There are no 'compartmentalized' fossils at all. There are classified fossils, that we, HUMANS, classified because of their significant differences. Imagine there were no taxonomic classifications for a second, forget everything you've ever known or thought you've known about creation or evolution. You look at fossils from hundreds of millions of years ago, and you see a fish with a jawbone slightly back in its neck. You find a fossil of some time later where the jaw has receded and bones have grown off it in towards the brain. Then another from some time later where the furthest back bone has attached itself to the nervous system with a drum like flap of skin, the fish has elongated fins and tiny protrusions at the ends. Then you find another from some time later where the bones have formed fully in front of an eardrum and another flap of skin leaves an opening, and the organism can move on land. Some time later you find another fossil of an organism whose gills have begun to recede and whose jaw has moved forward, with a fully formed ear-opening.
And so on and so on. What would you think was happening??
Please, take a biology class, if only to inform you about the reality of what taxonomic classification actually is, how it came about, what factors are considered in order to classify species, how evolutionary progression is charted, what the process is, how mutations occur, what modern examples of mutations we can readily observe, what evolution has happened in humans alone in the past few hundred years, what life is essentially, what process proteins chain together in to form aminos, etcetera, etcetera.
You can't honestly believe you understand the process enough to criticize it. You're repeating rehashed arguments that have been given a thousand times before, and not to be mean, but you don't have the understanding that qualifies you to make informed arguments about the topic. You're constantly changing goal posts, avoiding questions and citing unreferenced media hearsay that really has no tangible value in this argument apart from to win you brownie points with other creationists on the forum.