To respond to the question of how we came to the conclusion to have a second child, well it wasn't a casual conversation, it was alot of discussion back and forth weighing the risks, benefits, we went back and forth addressing concerns he had, we talked through all his concerns and came up with solutions to them that we both agreed were acceptable. Its not like he was forced into just saying yes. He had the option to say no, we did however discuss my feelings and how i felt like if we didn't have a second child i didnt see our relationship lasting because i feel like i will be missing out on something i long for not only for my self, but mostly for our 3 year old, i feel like i owe it to our current child to give him a sibling for various reasons that we both agreed were valid, and the boyfriend is an only child if that helps some of you understand better . We discussed his feelings and he agreed that his mind was at ease and we both compromised a date we would start trying because we wanted to be responsible. We got finances in order, childcare, made plans to adjust my work schedule, got health coverage. We also talked about names, and setting up our spare room in our house for a nursery, birth plans, how to prepare our current child to be a big brother, told all our family and friends we made the decision to start trying in December and hope for Christmas i would be pregnant.We got all the physical, financial and emotional things in order prior to deciding on this. I know he said he didn't want it at first, but after we talked through everything he said he thought it could be fun to have another child and after discussing all his concerns he felt better and when he finally was ready, he made that commitment to me. The bottom line is i dont think he realizes he is in a relationship with someone other then himself, i think its part of being an only child, he thinks the sun rises and sets on him. Everything that has happened in our relationship has been when hes ready, there is no compromis. when I got pregnant with our first one I waited on him to accept it, waited on him to move us in together, waited on him to accept he was going to be a dad, he avoided me and ignored me and i just sat quite and waited ubtil he was ready, i just loved him and waited for years, making our home a safe comfortable place, taking care of everything imaginable for him, i waited on him for everything, he always knew i wanted to be married and still im waiting on him, I wanted to start trying to have another baby a year and a half ago, still I waited on him to be okay with it and set a date that would work for him. in the meantime I have done everything I can on my part to take any stress off of him and improve our family situation. When I got pregnant I lost my job halfway through my pregnancy so when our son was born I didn't work for about 6 months, I got a part time job at a salon my friend managed i worked for next to nothing a few hours a week then shortly after that I advanced to a large medical spa moved up the ladder made a lot more money and a lot more hours of work, until I got the position I'm at now well I work in a very successful medical practice, in the meantime I've been taking classes going to school to become a registered dietitian. Doing all of this so I can contribute financially to the family and we can live a very comfortable life, i also still take care of everything at home. What im getting at is i have literally done everything for this man, from putting my feelings and wants aside to give him more then enough time to figure out what it is he wants in our relationship, which has been 4 and a half years, i have worked really hard to make sure i am bringing home a substantial paycheck, while still maintaining everything in our home to make his life comfortable... and this is the appreciation i get? Broken promises? And no relationship commitment? What is it you all Would do? Im happy to put everything out there if anyone has any more questions about our relationship. I just feel it is not fair that this man has gotten everything he wants without zero thought as to how i may feel