For those of you who prayerfully considered your life-partner, how did God show you they were "the one"?
Literally any advice or scripture is welcome. I think not only myself, but plenty of young, single Christians could benefit from the wisdom of brothers and sisters who have found God's match for them.
Who you love is always a reflection of who you are yourself at a given point in time... and he is "the one" in that particular moment. But we do change, with time... and him who was "the one" yesterday may not be "the one" a couple years later. That is, because you don't love him anymore.
So because we are unpredictable by nature (i.e. instinct, innate behaviors); God has given us boundaries to keep us under control and somehow maintain the order in society... "marriage" being one of those boundaries. And so you get married to someone who happens to be "the one" at the very time you're ready for a married life, at that exact moment, what most refer to as "the stars are aligned"... then the knot is tied up by a solemn oath to share your lives for the rest of your days; "through the good and the bad, and bla bla bla." And that's it; you're done.
One thing is for sure, married people don't freeze up in time. They remain "humans", which means that they're still changing and changing. A time will come when your husband will not be "the one" you're in love with anymore... and that's when your strength will be put to the test. Can you sacrifice your feelings for your word? Can you sacrifice how you feel for the word you gave him (in public or private; doesn't matter)? Can you do that?
The choices we make in those moments; that's what define us as "characters"... and that's what shapes the story we will leave behind when we're gone, what will be our legacy on this planet where we are but pilgrims.
I was angry with him and he was angry with me, and quite honestly neither of us had done anything more wrong than the other, we were both just hurt and angry. We argued one night, and when angry or upset he goes to the garage and works. That night he must have been pretty unfocused because he cut himself really bad. Even in my anger, I lovingly cleaned and bandaged his hand. Throughout the night I checked to make sure it stopped bleeding, and it looked clean.....I was still hurt and angry, but I also still chose to be Love to him. He could have tended his own wound, but the fact that I set my anger aside and took care of him, showed him that I love him.
This is how a married life is like... if you were wondering.
I once heard someone say: "Hun, I love you always... but sometimes, I just don't like you.
