Praise Jesus you were able to help,
I myself have had demonic attacks. Including Belial,Legion,and belthezar. You did the right thing by overcoming it by the cross. The fact you have doubt is a Demon trying to get you to disbelief your victory in Christ. This has also been told to me it is a lie. I don't recommend speaking/typing/thinking of these names. Just in case. "You did a wonderful work through my sons finished works and I am proud,-Thus saith the Lord of Host by means of the Spirit. To tell you the truth angels are holy and can enter your temple just as god(only his angels can). They can do so to minister to you, strenghten you in time of war, or simply just commune with you praying in the spirit. I have met Uriel as well, he has come to me -His name means God is light, God's light, and Fire of God. you will understand why he came*remember our lordd is an all consuming fire and no unrighteousness can withstand his presence.
Basically, the lord used your faith to use your earthen vessel to allow Uriel to come in and war against the devil. *especially if you don't read ur bible very much(sword of the spirit=bible) He was there to make sure this demon was completly vanquished because you were not yet powerful in the word to slay him. I am 24 and didn't grow up in the church this is all self taught and experienced. I would of scoffed at myself 5 years ago. So if you need anymore warfare *ephesians (
[email protected])
sources- amplified/KJV bibles
thousands of study hour
spirit of truth within me(holy spirit*)
Personal relationship with Jesus