God likens Himself to be our Heavenly Father. If we believe in Christ and make Him the Lord of our life we are adopted into His family. Even sin does not change this. It is unrepentant sin proving that we are only interested in what we want, being lord of our own life, that doesn't disqualify us only identifies us as goats not sheep. My understanding of the only thing that can disqualify is apostasy. Once you have experienced the quickening of the Holy Spirit then claiming it to be false, is self disinheritance. "Can Christ be crucified again", that you may be reborn again? The answer to that is no. The false witness or second beast is going to insist all to worship the first beast and the one made in his image and to receive the mark. The Mark isn't for finances primarily. The Bible says you won't be allowed to buy sell or trade without it but it is a sign of worship to the Antichrist and I do not doubt it will be very conspicuous. Just like wearing your favourite team's jersey. This will be a tribute to the first beast and the one made in his image. All who follow him will show outwardly on their skin, those who follow, on their hand and those who worship on their forehead. It will be his name or his number 666. Just remember if its not being forced, as worship, its not the mark. According to Scripture there needs to be worldwide devastation, about 1/4 of the population remaining, then the first and second beast take the stage. We are still a long way off.