Thanks Presidente, i did write down a rebuke on paper ready to tell her, but when the moment came, it just didn't feel right or i was scared or it's not the right thing to say, or.... Some things are better left unsaid, on the other hand i do not want the marriage to end in such a way that i will always wonder if i could have done more? if i could have saved it? But i will probably think that regardless, i think most divorced people do?
If it were me, I'd be asking myself if I had corrected her, maybe things would turn out different. If it were me in your shoes a year from now, if things ended in divorce, I'd be asking myself if, back in Feb. 2015, if I had shared with her a word of correction after she left the door if she might have changed her mind and gone down the right path.
I don't know what all you've done. But it sounds like you've been kind of passive about it. Maybe that's why she got bored with you.
In Matthew 18, Jesus COMMANDS if your brother sins against you, rebuke him. If he repents, forgive him. I've been paraphrasing from Leviticus a lot in posts to you. Jesus also teaches this.
Offering a word of correction is part of the Christian life. It's something oft-ignored in American evangelicalism, but the Bible has plenty to say about it. As a husband, you are to follow the example of Christ who washed the bride with the water of the word.
Being passive, if that's the case, hasn't kept your wife in the house so far. If you are thinking you will be asking yourself if there was something you could have done-- I'm telling you that there is something the Bible says you should do.
I'm not talking about yelling at her, berating her, or being harsh to her. It's not wrong to tell her that you are disappointed in her, or even that it's hard to respect her actions and character the way she has been behaving.
If it were me, I'd be saying something like this. If I could pull it off, I'd say it with a calm voice. I'd ask her just to give me X number of minutes for me to talk and get it all out without interrupting. It doesn't sound like you have a 'hot' relationship of yelling back and forth, but I could be wrong. Even so, it's good not to be interrupted.
I'd say something like this,
"I'm really concerned for you and disappointed because you are turning down a sinful path, away from God's word. The Lord commanded for the wife not to depart from her husband, and you are doing just that. I've gone along with it, and I was wrong to do that. I should have opposed you more strongly.
The Bible also teaches that if you marry someone else, you would be committing adultery.
You know I have long had difficulty respecting people who treat marriage as disposable. Those who have marriage problems, who can't get along, or aren't in love, need to work on their marriages or repent and love their spouses. God commands us to love. The solution for not loving is repentance, not divorce.
Don't think if you leave this marriage because you are discontent with me that you will go off and have a good relationship. Statistically, women who do that are likely to get divorced later on. They haven't taken care of their own character issues, and they take their problems into their next marriages, after they remarry adulterously against the teachings of Christ.
I am also disappointed at you for being a covenant breaker, a sin of which Romans 1 says that those who do such things are worthy of death. Maybe you haven't broken covenant yet, but you are certainly close to it. When you spoke those words to me at the church (before the judge, etc.) I believed you. I did not expect you to be a liar or covenant breaker. I accepted those words in good faith. I may not have been a perfect husband, but I have always been faithful to you, both sexually by not sleeping with anyone else, and in terms of having good faith toward you to keep you as my wife and to be a husband to you.
I am also concerned at how reckless you are with our daughter's life. Children raised in broken homes.... [look up a few statistics about grades and teen pregnancy and things like that. Focus on the Family or the Family Research Council might have something.] I don't want my daughter to learn from you to break covenant or not respect her father. I don't want her to learn that marriages are temporary. Yes, she's young, but that means there are more years of her life for this to affect her. I don't want her to call some other man daddy or some other woman mommy. You probably haven't thought of the idea of how you would feel about her calling some other woman mommy. People may divorce left and right in this country, but that doesn't make it right, and it doesn't make it a good thing for the children. I think you are being very selfish putting these emotional desires of yours not only before me, but before our daughter, and most importantly before God.
Some time ago, you began to cut me off sexually. This really hurt our marriage. I made a mistake by not insisting on seeing a counselor or taking other action to solve the problem. I wonder, with your cheerful attitude about blowing up our marriage and our daughter's home like you are, if you aren't thrilled because you have a boyfriend. If you have committed adultery, I do want you to repent. As far as our marriage is concerned, that's something you'd have to come clean on and let me know about. Whether you have or haven't, you aren't being a faithful spouse to me like leaving me. The book of Jeremiah speaks of a wife who treacherously departs from her husband. You have betrayed me. You have hurt me, and destroyed our home. Your decisions are also going to hurt our daughter. But it's not too late to change things.
My feelings for you are not what they once were. It's hard for me to respect you with your attitude toward our marriage and toward God. But this isn't something that can't be overcome. None of our problems are really big problems that other couples haven't dealt with and gotten past. But it would take repentance, determination, hard work, and faith in God to restore what you've started to destroy.
I have made some mistakes as a husband
[list mistakes, e.g. not paying her enough attention.] If we did reconcile, I can't guarantee I'll be the ideal husband in every aspect, but I will dedicate a lot of effort to our marriage to make it the best marriage it can possibly be. We can go to a counselor, go to seminars, read books on marriage together, and other things to make our marriage the kind that both of us have dreamed of."
If she manages to listen to the whole thing, she might walk right out the door. But she could have difficulty sleeping at night. What you say might keep coming to mind. She's done wrong, and it may just take someone frankly correcting her like this to get her to confront what she has actually done.