Oh she will be there, she is the one who booked it! And it is part of the process for the divorce.
On the whole, she is doing everything above board to achieve the divorce, and she is talking to me on the phone about it. The anomalous thing is the total absence of emails, this is why i said earlier that i am very curious to see if i can get an email out of her, just for my morbid curiosity to see if it is at all possible?? perhaps i should try and offer her $1000.00 dollars in an email and say that all she has to do is reply and i will send the money???
Speak divorce and divorce will come. Death and Life are in the power of the tongue. You know I have always come to you as a brother and praying that GOD gives me wisdom to speak the right words in the right time. I hope you take this in a spirit of humility and understanding, my friend:-
You are still holding on with your self-effort and self-righteousness, judging by your snide "tone" perhaps more than a little resentful and still very much hurting inside. Have you ever wondered if it was GOD who blocked your emails to her? Or perhaps He blocked her hand from replying to your emails, thus creating more time for you to realise where you've gone wrong and ask for GOD to change both your hearts and soften yourselves toward each other?
The bible is never contradicting, it was not in GOD's design for man to have divorce in our lives. Christ himself said that divorce happens because of the hardness of our hearts. In your actions toward each other, it shows that each of you have hardened your heart in some way. The bible says to love your wife like Christ loved the church, I am sure all of us know it and I probably mentioned it to you in another conversation. Have we wondered how it is to love our wives like Christ loved us?
You resent your wife now, perhaps partly because she refuses your advances to reconcile.
Did the church reject Jesus? Many, many times.
Did He resent us? Christ has never resented us. Because He loves the church.
You think your wife betrayed your marriage, or you have proof that she did. You want to leave her/ have decided to separate from her.
Did we betray Jesus in our sin and our faithlessness? Who among us can say that we have never sinned against the commandments? Who among us have not doubted GOD in our hearts?
Has Jesus ever left us because we betrayed Him? Even Peter, the man who denied Christ with "cursing and swearing", was reinstated by Christ.
Jesus loves us, even though we are unlovable. He forgives us, even when we do unforgivable things. So, Mystik, love your wife like Christ loves the church. Love her even when she is unlovable, forgive her even when she has done wrong. And the most difficult, perhaps, love your wife, even when she is trying to hurt you in her words and actions. Love her even when you don't feel like it. Because He loves us this way.
Ephesians 5: 24-25
But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.
Everyone is familiar with this verse, especially if we married in church. The pastors generally use this as an admonition to us in example of how we should conduct our marriages.
But read in between the lines.
Paul first said as the church submits to Christ, so should the wives submit to their husbands. So most of us men generally jump right in and point it out that wives should first submit to their husbands before we love our wives et cetera.
But remember this:-
Before Christ loved us so greatly that he died on the cross for us, THERE WAS NO CHURCH!
The Church was only created after Christ loved us and died on the cross. That's why we are called christians, are we not?
So could it be that we as men must first love our wives like Christ loved the church, and that love will cause our wives to "submit" to us in love?
I only have one question to you, brother. Do you love your wife like Christ loved the church?
Everything is in GOD's hands. He gives you both the free will to choose divorce. But we all know this is man's way, not GOD's way. Let's not kid ourselves.
If you want to do it GOD's way, then do it all the way. Speak that which is unseen not that which the world sees. We all have doubts and bad days. We all make mistakes and we're all egoistical and self-righteous. But GOD always gives us a way where He can restore that which He did not take away.
But then, we have come full circle. Be careful what you wish for and give weight to the words that come from your tongue. For we all know we are made in the image of GOD, and the even faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains. We are the chosen beloved children of the GOD who said:-
Genesis 1:3
and GOD said, Let the be light: and there was light.
I really hope you get it, Mystik. Don't curse your own marriage and destroy your own blessings of restoration. GOD can do anything.
But as for me, I believe in GOD's restoration. I believe in His healing on my family. I believe that only He can restore the years that the locusts have eaten.