And YOU understand the big bang theory? haha.....I love the types who come on here and try to throw their supposed intellectual muscle around.
Stop with the incredulity is so 2000's, and the way you use it, it appears you just learned what it means.
Well, yes. Do you understand the concept of relativistic potentiality? The relativistic mass is exactly proportional to the energy, or in other terms, the gravitational potential of a thing is equal to the kinetic energy of a thing, which brings us to a state of universal energy equilibrium called mathematical zero
The expansion of a singularly dense body of stuff was the mechanism to bring about what we know as the spacetime spectrum and give rise to a ''universe'', which is in its entirety essentially nothing more than the transformation of energy through different states, or waveforms through different frequencies.
No energy can be created or destroyed, thus all the energy that ever existed has always existed in some form or another, and always will exist in some form or another. That's why you're wrong to say that ''something came from nothing''. Something, by the very laws of physics, cannot come from nothing.
The reason you can't wrap your head around this is because you believe time to be the governing factor of the expansion and progression of the universe, as though it is inflicted upon particles, and that the beginning of time was the beginning of ''stuff''. That's not true. Time is not an outside influence upon matter and energy, energy and matter are necessary precursors to the advent of time -- time which, to us as beings capable of conscious observance, is essentially a reference to the motion of stuff from a specific point of view.
Think about that.