I fought for my marriage after my husband left because God wanted me too. I didn't know how or what to do, but I wrote him a letter, I invited him to church, I invited him to a Christian concert, I got him a book, I prayed for him, I had others pray for him. I told him I was fighting and I wore my rings......we are divorced, but because I fought and even during when I really didn't want too or know how is when God wanted me too, is because now looking back I know I did everything possible and I have zero regrets. Ask God and allow him to work in your life and see what to do. God can change anything at the very last moment. I don't know your story, but if you really want this marriage......then FIGHT!!!! There is nothing wrong with fighting and I hate to see people tell you to walk away or to give up........I don't think God would want that if he has put the desire in your heart. Im so glad God dosent just give up or walk away from me.....