I am not saying a woman should not submit nor am I saying the man is not the head. What I am saying is that yes the man is the head BUT there should be mutual submission because then the wife gets stuck being all "yes dear" and "no dear" and not really having any freedom. I feel like these passages have been really warped by the world because no matter how many times you say "oh women are equal" there is always that "but not really because she has to do what the husband tells her."
I've spent many years in Indonesia. I notice that American Christians talk a lot more about 'equality'. Everyone has to be equal. Even if it doesn't make sense in context, insisting that people are 'equal' makes others feel okay. The Bible doesn't focus on people being equal. A lot of American preachers will assert things about equality that aren't in the Bible. And their audience obsesses over equality even when it is not important. Equality is important in our own national philosophy, but we have no reason to think that God is as concerned about this, at least from what is revealed in scripture.
You could compare Joe the plumber, a regular guy who made the news for some comments on the campaign trail a while back, with President Obama. Are they equal? Let's say Obama is good at basketball (which I heard from a former teacher of his) and that Joe the plumber isn't. They aren't equal at playing basketball. President Obama commands the army, navy, airforce, and marines. He has more military power than Joe the plumber. President Obama is able to create laws by executive order without even going through the Congress. He has more legislative power than Joe the plumber. They are not equal in this regard.
But send them both to a house with a broken sink. Obama probably would have little success fixing a complicated plumbing problem that Joe the plumber could fix equally. So they aren't equal in this regard.
Now compare women and men: opening a jar of pickles? Women aren't the equal of men? Giving birth? Not equal. Women win.
But we have to call everyone 'equal' so everyone feels good, when it means nothing at all.
Regarding your comment that if there isn't mutual submission in marriage, the wife says, 'yes, dear'-- I don't think it's wrong for a wife to say 'yes' or to call her husband 'dear.' But a man that loves his wife seeks to please her. In marriages where both husband and wife are dedicated to wives submitting to their husbands, if the husband loves his wife, he will generally want to know her mind on something, what she wants, at least if it is a matter important to her. (Men may not ask their wives which brand of muffler she wants him to buy and put on the car.)
Someone on here explained how slaves have to submit to their masters. A wife is not a slave. A slave/master relationship is miles away from a marriage relationship. I think if marriage and slavery looked a like that would make for a VERY unhealthy marriage.
If a wife is as submissive as a slave, I don't see that as a problem. But if a husband treats her like a slave, that's a problem. I brought it up because it helps us to interpret scripture. Ephesians 5-6 says to submit to one another and then explains who is to submit to whom: wives to husbands, children to parents, and slaves to masters. Paul doesn't say for husbands to submit to wives, parents to submit to their children, or slaves to submit to their masters when he actually breaks down who is to submit to whom.
Same with the father comparison. Someone on here also pointed out how a wife should obey a husband like a father. A daddy/daughter relationship is SO different from marriage. It would make the marriage SOOO unhealthy if the wife and husband had a father/daughter type thing going. *shudder*
The similarity is that both are relationships where there is supposed to be submission. They aren't the same in other aspects. I don't think anyone wants you to marry an old guy, go around wearing pig tails, and call him daddy.
My wife has had a bit of a struggle with submission, and over time as the Lord has worked on her, she has embraced it more. She told me after a time when the Lord did a big work in her heart in this area that she has a lot more peace now. From my perspective, the marriage is a lot better and she enjoys it more, too. The main thing is to please God with the marriage. We all have to give up areas here we could choose insist on our own fleshly desires, in order to please God.