For those who are new to the term, its the casting out of demons. The very first experience I had with the casting out of demons was in my pre-teen years. My behavior had been altered strangely after visiting a friends home and playing a certain video game. MY parents decided to "take me through deliverance" by praying in Jesus name by faith to command the demon that seemingly enter through the game activity, to leave me. It worked. That was the first opening to the area of Ministry that God called my life to. Since then I have seen and had the privilege of ministering deliverance in Jesus name to others with the same with much more dramatically and drastic change for the better. Problems I have seen a/effecting the youth today are the result of the indwelling of evil spirits. I have even prayed for young babies, only months old and seen God touch them, the demon leave and the mom get their normal child restored to them. Much of Jesus Christ's ministry was marked by the casting out of demons, and from the lips of Jesus Christ we know that deliverance is primarily for the "christian". For those who Believe that a Christian can't have a demon, please read the following. Matthew 15.Luke 11.2 Corinthians 7. The very fact that people think that casting out demons is not for believers makes no sense for the fact that unbelievers have no ground for salvation. They are not protected by the blood of Jesus so they have no protection against evil. People argue that The Holy Spirit can't be in with demons. As if Spirits need to occupy space? Demons dwell primarily in the area of manifesting in your flesh. The Holy Spirit will hold the ground of the Heart of the Believer. Its the Believers job to give over the rest of the control to Him. If that means removal of demon spirits then by all means get them out! Drugs, Drinking, Cutting, burning, self abuse, schizophrenia, and many many other clinically named problems can almost always be dealt with by casting out a demon spirit. Or even thousands of them. Do you need deliverance?