Also raining here today as well....In more ways than one for me... My car blew a rod last night. New engine time! now all my belief has to go into practice. Faith without works is dead sprinkled all over this day. And I am reminded of the scripture which has us take joy in our sufferings for God is in control......OK I am not in sorrow ,I told God. Isn't that good enough?!! He said No! I said why?!! He said because if you invested all that faith in the first place believing without doubt, which I can say I have honestly done now after prayer...why not reward yourself for it? Besides the issue is my problem now, relax and call this number and that..which was my engine buying place and my shop to get the best price etc etc..which I even had joy doing cause I knew it was going to open up for me. My Joy came from me settling in on the decision to have faith.
And that Faith had rewards..... I saved 1,112 dollars over my starting price and improved the used miles on the engine from 117,000 to 70,000 with the added savings included. Even the warranty was better 3 yrs. vs. 90 days.
I sat back and enjoyed myself while I busted my tail not even noticing my workload to get the answers. But you see God was the one opening and closing each door along the way. I still have to pay for the thing yet I know He will take care of the back-end of my finances as well....He always has.
I went from "How can I manage this?" to thank You God! Not because I saw...... then went...but because I went believing and God then blessed me.