I despair of this forum!
You cannot believe that about the church fathers! NOWHERE do they say symbol.
Indeed ignatius said of heretics " they do not confess the Eucharist to be the flesh" and so " incur death". Excommunication for failing to believe it
Justin Martyr said " and changed.,, the flesh and blood of our lord"
What you fail to recognise is that such language can have a number of meanings when talking about the symbolic. When we present the bread we say, 'this is My body which is broken for you'. And it is. By partaking of it they are declaring their oneness with His body. It is a deep spiritual reality.
Perhaps you could also show me where these two early fathers say that the wine is only for the priests alone? They talked of ALL Christians participating
And all the others since,
Indeed our lord allowed many of his disciples to leave, if they refused to accept he did mean his flesh in John 6, which they clearly assumed.
Sparevme the insults.