[FONT=Arial, serif]Marydid not flee into the desert. She fled into Egypt (hardly a desert). However, the Jewish church (the true Israel) certainly fled into thewilderness in the days prior to the destruction of Jerusalem and werepreserved. Nor did a flood follow Mary to swallow up her enemies sothat she was miraculously preserved.. But pursuers would havefollowed the church into the wilderness and by the power of God theywere preserved.[/FONT][FONT=Arial, serif]
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cont.[/FONT][FONT=Arial, serif]
Herod wanted to destroy allthe children, for the purpose of destroying the one who would be theMessiah (Mt. 2:16-17). She fled with Joseph to escape the wrath ofKing Herod based on the angel telling Joseph through a dream. Thus,actually there was something in Mary’s life that matches Revelation12. In Revelation 12, the dragon, or Satan, tried to destroy thechild Jesus when he became born (Rev. 12:2-5). They fled and stayedin Egypt (or the wilderness) until King Herod died and it became safeto return back to Israel. This matches the happenings as found inMatthew. As far as Egypt hardly a desert.... you better study a bitmore on geography, for Egypt has two deserts, the Eastern and theWestern. The Western which is the biggest that is part of the Sahara. Geezzz dude.... (rolling eyes)[/FONT]
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[/FONT][FONT=Arial, serif]LOLnow I've heard it all. The woman in Gen 3.15 was Eve. The woman inJer 31.22 was a [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, serif]faithlessdaughter and is called the virgin Israel. The virgin Israel is thewoman who will protect her offspring.[/FONT][FONT=Arial, serif]
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No,I don't believe you have.!!! [/FONT][FONT=Arial, serif]
Before[/FONT][FONT=Arial, serif]
I[/FONT][FONT=Arial, serif]
approach the task of identifying [/FONT][FONT=Arial, serif]
toyou [/FONT][FONT=Arial, serif]
whothis woman of Gen.3:15 [/FONT][FONT=Arial, serif]
truly[/FONT][FONT=Arial, serif]
is,let us look at the similarities between Gen. 3, which speaks of a‘woman’, and Revelation 12, which also speaks of a ‘woman’.When speaking of Rev. 12, [/FONT][FONT=Arial, serif]
oneshould consider[/FONT][FONT=Arial, serif]
these important insights: [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, serif]Thebeginning of the passage echoes the prophecy of Is. 7:14 taken up byMicah 5:1-2. As the [/FONT][FONT=Arial, serif]almah[/FONT][FONT=Arial, serif]of Isaiah, the woman of the Apocalypse is a sign ([/FONT][FONT=Arial, serif]semeion[/FONT][FONT=Arial, serif]).But here she appears in her triumph; the moon “under her feet”seems to indicate that she is raised above the vicissitude of whichthis constantly changing planet is the symbol. As with Mary in Jn19:25-27 this heavenly personage is repeatedly designated by the word‘woman’ ([/FONT][FONT=Arial, serif]Rev.[/FONT][FONT=Arial, serif]12:1, 4, 12, 13-17). As with Mary, who is taken to be the Mother ofChrist, and mother of the disciples of Christ, who are called “therest of her children” ([/FONT][FONT=Arial, serif]Rev.[/FONT][FONT=Arial, serif]12-17). This last term is an echo of G[/FONT][FONT=Arial, serif]e[/FONT][FONT=Arial, serif]n.3:14-15, where also the serpent ([/FONT][FONT=Arial, serif]Rev.[/FONT][FONT=Arial, serif]12:9 and 14) is at war against “the woman” and “herdescendants”. Gen. 3:14-15.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, serif]1.God said to [/FONT][FONT=Arial, serif]theserpent[/FONT][FONT=Arial, serif]...[/FONT]Revelation.12:9 The great dragon, the primevalserpent known as the devil orSatan... Genesis 3:15.
2. I willmake you enemies of each other: you and the woman... Rev.12:13-14 sprang in pursuit of the woman ... but she was given a hugepair of eagle’s wings to fly away from the serpent into thedesert. Genesis 3:15
3. youroffspring and her offspring.Revelation 12:17 The dragon was enraged with the woman and went awayto make war on the rest of herchildren, (or offspring) that is,all who obey God’s commandments and bear witness for Jesus.
[FONT=Arial, serif]Anotherparallel between Genesis 3 and Revelation 12: [/FONT]Gen.3:15 he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel. Rev.12:5, 11. The seed of the woman, who happens to be Jesus, ascendsinto heaven, and the Devil is defeated, and it is by his blood(called the blood of the Lamb) through which he crushes the dragon.
The parallels are obvious. First, the devil is spoken of in bothRevelation and Genesis.
The devil is intricately involved inboth of these passages at war with both the Son and woman. Some tryto refer us to Genesis 37, in reference to the moon and stars andsuch, but there are no such parallels to Revelation 12, found inGenesis 37. The devil is at war both with the woman of Genesis 3:15,and the woman in Revelation 12, who bore a Son, who will bevictorious in both passages. The devil will be defeated as bothprophesied in Genesis 3, and fulfilled in Revelation 12. In thisvictory, The ‘woman’ is at the center of both passages. Thiswoman in both instances are mothers. Since Genesis 3 and Revelation12 is undoubtedly linked, and the person of the woman, is a centralfigure in both passages, the identity of the woman of Genesis 3 isabsolutely important. Now, since Christians identify the seed of the‘woman’ in Genesis 3:15 as Jesus, it is important to see who thiswoman is. It is obvious that if this (Genesis 3:15) is a prophecyabout Jesus, and this is called the ‘protoevangelium’, the onewhose seed Jesus came from was his Mother Mary. If that is the case,the ‘woman’ spoken of who will be at war with the Devil, would beMary. This fits again the Revelation 12 where the woman is at warwith the devil. In your analysis of Genesis 3 and Revelation 12, youignore this obvious parallel.
Now as forJer.31:22, no satisfactory explanation has been given for this text.Jerome, for example, saw the image as a reference to the infant Jesusenclosed in Mary’s womb. Since Jeremiah often uses marital imageryin his description of a restored Israel, the phrase may refer to awedding custom, perhaps women circling the groom in a dance. It mayalso be a metaphor describing the security of a new Israel, asecurity so complete that it defies the imagination and must beexpressed as hyperbolic role reversal: any danger will be soinsignificant that women can protect their men.
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[/FONT][FONT=Arial, serif]Sorry,you fail.[/FONT][FONT=Arial, serif]
[FONT=Arial, serif]
Lol!!! I think not ol' timer Lol!![/FONT]
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Fromhenceforth, all generations shall call me Blessed.” ----Luke 1:48[/FONT]