What's the cutest thing you've seen a kid do or say?
I have a lot of nieces and nephews and the youngest boy is almost 2years old and is starting to talk a lot.
I say to him, "I love you."
And he says, "I love..." and stops there, which is a little disappointing but I think is so cute!!
I have a lot of nieces and nephews and the youngest boy is almost 2years old and is starting to talk a lot.
I say to him, "I love you."
And he says, "I love..." and stops there, which is a little disappointing but I think is so cute!!
Then I said, "Who do you love?" expecting her to say 'Daddy.'
But she said 'Mommy.'
Something about the way she said it made it seem like she was saying Mommy on purpose because she knew I wanted her to say Mommy. She was really clever for such a little girl.