Ok, so let's look at it that way. Fine.
But for Torah to be completely done away with, it also states until earth and heaven have passed away. Earth and heaven are both still in existance. Along with that, Yeshua had to of taught to follow Torah, if Yeshua taught to not follow Torah He would be called the least in the kingdom of heaven according to His own words. Same with the apostles.
Also for Torah to be inexistance after the cross would have to imply God changed Himself to benefit us.
I mean with the way you're wording everything towards me as far as me following Torah, is kind of like you're accusing me of being sinful for following it. How is it sinful to follow something that is holy? It's not only concidered holy according to God but also according to the apostles (which is who we get our teachings from)? Also if I've only seen good, and a closer relationship in my walk come out of Torah, how is that from "satan"? In the Torah its says do this and you will be blessed. What you've stated is because I've followed Torah, and have had blessings in doing so, it's from "satan", even though that contradicts what scripture says. Why would John say sin is lawlessness? Again at this period of time there was only 1 thing they would be referencing when they say "the law", and that is Torah. So according to John, sin is Torahlessness. So based off of that, you telling me I'm wrong for following Torah, is the same as telling me it's ok for us to be sinful. To me that would be abusing grace. I'm not saying I am sinless or I am perfect, no one is perfect. But we are called to walk with the Spirit and follow Yeshua, and be disciples. Do you know what a disciple is? It's someone who follows after someone and learns their ways. So if we are to be disciples of Yeshua, we are to be following Him and walking in His ways. If Yeshua and God are one, then the Torah was given by Yeshua and the Torah is His ways.
I have not seen any evil come from Torah, except these ridiculous debates, and people saying it's wrong to follow Torah and judge those who do follow it (I have not judge one person, I just state my point of view). Torah makes you aware of sin, it isn't sin itself. Are we not to be aware of what is sinful and what is not? Or are you saying we are to just walk blindly and not be aware of sin to avoid it?
Now if your come back to that is 'well we walk in the Spirit'. My answer, is the Spirit is aware of what sin is, the Spirit already knows which way to walk, and the Spirit (whether it is taught or not) is going to lead someone in the same walk of Torah. The majority of people who walk in the Spirit are walking in a lot of Torah, but don't even know it. When Yeshua or the apostles stated to "not fall into idoltry, not to murder, not steal, not to fall in adultry, not hate, not to look to mediums or phsycics", where do you think they got this from? It wasn't something new that they came up with, it was from the Torah.
Again blessings from the Most High to you, I will not slader you or curse you. If you really think I am so so so wrong in following Torah, then let God judge me for it and I will find out in the end if I was wrong in doing so or not. You are not my judge, He is.