I think if I know what's best for me (which I probably could but I don't go for them), going to bed would be the best option right now. But nope, I'm simply restless. Restless over the inevitable that could've been evitable. Story of my life, really.
I really need to stop having thoughts or dreams about people who are no longer in my life as well. It'd make this a tad bit less saddening. One thing I wish I could take out of it is to simply know how they are doing. Doesn't have to center around anything else other than what changes probably happened for them, because there's certainly no news on my end. As narcissistic as this is, it's probably the most I'm concerned about if I were try making contact with such people...
TL;DNR - Same story just as every other rant I've made on here, to put it in lighter terms.
Now the bearer of pitiful news is departing for bed, as she's needing it. Get back to your normal, cheerful discussions.