1 Peter 2:5 (AENT) And you are also, as living stones, are built and become spiritual temples and Set Apart priests for the offering of spiritual scarifies, acceptable before Elohim through Y'shua the Mashiyach.
Side note
The spiritual component of sacrifice is much more important than what is being sacrificed; otherwise it would have no more significance than a backyard barbecue. A sacrifice is evaluated by spiritual content that is elucidated in Torah, the prophets and through Jesus Messiah. The surrender of one's will, peace offerings, bountiful offerings, thanksgiving offerings, mercy offerings, or sacrifices to establish resolve or new direction, congregational sacrifices, national sacrifices, sacrifices towards being "set apart" (holy), or sacrifices to aid purity of thought and attitude are all potential "spiritual sacrifices." "Spiritual Sacrifices" unto YHWH are "Set Apart" by the intent of the heart and are distinct from the sacrifices towards the physical gods of materialism, relativism or religious identity. All authentic spiritual sacrifices have components of righteousness, judgment, justice, mercy and faith; they are not cerebral, but spiritual, neither are they done in word only but in deed (visible), and they demonstrate the spiritual intent within the heart.
Romans 12:1 (AENT) I plead to you, therefore, my brothers, by the mercies of Elohim, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, Set Apart and acceptable to Elohim by a reasonable service of him.
1 Corinthians 15:46 (AENT) And the spiritual was not first; but the animal, and then the spiritual.