The trick about masturbation? Well, if you are talking about a porn addiction, those images don't go away because you stop looking at them. You can't unsee it. And if one is touching themselves in a sexual fashion, our minds bring up images that have been previously viewed; be it porn, a previous sinful relationship... and as far as I'm aware, lust is still a sin.
In the context of lust, wasn't Jesus talking about adultery? It seems to me, that lust is longing what you cannot have, esp longing for what belongs to another.
So I agree - you can't unsee it. And perhaps one would would resort to those images. I'm not a man, I have never been a man, never will be a man... lol so while I understand frustration, I'm not sure how to go about allivating it in a pure manner.
If anyone is interested, there is a Christian website that endorses "pure masturbation." I'm not going to link it, so if anyone wants to know, pm me. It has no graphic images, it is not "porn," but not sure if it's appropriate to post publicly. I probably should permission from a mod just to pm the name of the site. But it is designed to help with this.
thanked ServantStrike for his transparency, but perhaps it's time for some of my own. I see that you have stated that you are currently married. I was married as well. My husband passed away 3 years ago.
Awwww so sorry! I would be utterly crushed if that happened to me. My sympathy... Maybe three years ago, but you never really get over a loss of that nature.
I rededicated my life to Christ about two years ago, but I still had a problem with dealing with sexual sin and seeking release. God clearly spoke to me that he wanted my fidelity until I was married when that fidelity in sexuality was turned over to my husband (whomever he may be). This included the solo sexual sin that I was partaking in.
I understand ad respect a personal call, I really do. What I don't like is ditacting others about what God is saying to them.
In dealing with it? It's not something that can be handled on your own. EVERY time an image or desire would come up, I'd have to pray, "Lord, deliver me." And the times that I've needed to seek his help have become less and less. Do I still struggle? Sometimes I do... just like everyone with habitual sin they deal with.
I understand this moment by moment method. I've been through that with something else.
We must protect our eyes, our ears, our bodies. We are the temple of the Holy Ghost. We are not our own, we've been bought with a price. Do you really think that God would not give a way out for someone who is struggling with sin and is seeking God's help in dealing with it? He is SO faithful.
But this is the thing, and I know it's kinda an "infant Christian" speculation, but why would God need to give you a way out of the way He designed you to release to begin with? Is that Him tempting you? Why would He need to give you a way out of something that He blesses in the "right context?" which for most people is a sheet of paper, a pair of rings, and state recognition?
For marriage to be a sacred institution by God, it certainly seems we act as "our own" and layer it with many many approvals required by men. The Churh tolerates this and works with it. Try to find a pastor that will marry you without the state, a certificate for just you two, andbecause Iing out your own legalities. You may find this difficult, and to me, that says the Church dosn't regard God as the One who seals the deal.
God pronounced Adam and Eve man and wife - and so far as we can see, there was no special ceremony or recognition for it. That's why I lean more and more towards "we're married in the eye of God." More and more I see this as a matter of the heart, and to just pin someone or a couple down as sinful because they haven't met man's visual requirements is becoming more and more foolish to me. Because the Bible.
I think it's short sighted to look at masturbation as simply 'excess sexual' release. The hormones associated are addictive and they are meant to be so as it's meant to bond a husband and a wife together.
Sure, it's addictive, or can be. But wine can be addictive, but we don't (well, some of us) forbid it for that reason. Exercise gives a high, and be addictive. At one point in my life, I was dangerously thin, because I was addicted to walking - like seven-ten miles a day. But we're not going to tell people not to start a walking regime, right? Esp when the exerice is addressing taking care of the body, the temple, by losing weight or such.
Sexual release isn't meant for self pleasure or gratification. We want to justify our sin (whatever it is) because it's difficult to give up the things we comfort ourselves with, we don't want to do that... God is meant to be our comforter.
Is there anything God wants us to pleasure in, besides Himself? When we feel a rush of feel good chemicals at seeing someone benefit from our gift, happy for them, do we stop and be like "now, not supposed to get pleasure or satisfaction from this." There are people who volunteer for selfish reasons; they do it solely for the high. But that doesn't mean feeling the high is a selfish thing.
That's one thing that is kinda muddy in orthodox Christian doctrine, imo. What is appropriate to feel good about and feel a rush in? I feel very good holding my husband, and I'm not going to ruin it by scolding myself for taking pleasure in it because it's not for self-pleasure. I pleasure myself by giving it, and vice versa. Do you need to just stop having sex because on some level we do it for the pleasure?
Sure no one wants to give up what is comforting. But feeling comfort from God is subjective is definition. I could say "God strengthened me in coummuion today - I feel recharged, blessed and comforted." Someone else would contest that, because they don't think He's present there, like I do. They don't believe God blesses through that and so would judge my "worship" of the feast.
That's what I mean... There's no way to pin God down and say "yes, that person is taking comfort in God" or "yes, that person is losing faith in God backslidden." If that were the case, that God could easily be spotted or not in another person, what do we need discernment for? Would be a pretty transparent God indeed.