JSSurvivor, let's look at the truth of what God's Word says about women in the Old Testament. There is a strong case to be made for God's creation - woman! First, the word man in Hebrew - Adam. It also includes the woman, as the male gender in Hebrew is inclusive of both genders. It only later became the name for the first man.
However, looking more specifically at the woman, she is a special creation by God.
"Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a suitable helper for him.” Gen. 2:18
The word "suitable helper" here, really downplays the significance of the words in Hebrew. The word for "suitable" is Kenegdo in Hebrew. Kenegdo suggests that what God creates for Adam will correspond to him. Thus, the new creation will be neither a superior nor inferior, but an equal. This creation will form one- half of a polarity, and will be to the man as the South Pole is to the North Pole. She will be his strongest ally in pursuing God's purposes and his first roadblock when he veers off course.
The word used here for "helper" is ezer or עֵזֶר This word appears in the Old Testament 21 times. Twice it refers to the woman in Gen. 2:18, 20, and three times for nations to whom Israel appealed for military aid (Isaiah 30:5, Ezekiel 12:14, and Daniel 11:34.
The other 16 times, the word ezer is used for God as Israel's helper.
Ex. 18:4
Deut. 33:7, 26, 29
Psalms 20:2; 33:20; 70:5, 89:19; 115:9, 10, 11; 121:1-2; 124:8; 146;5,
Hosea 13:9
In all these verses, ezer is used consistently in a military context. Israel seeks military aid from her neighbors.God is his people's "shield and defense," "better than chariots and horses," standing "sentry over his people."
Even Eden fits this pattern, because in fact, the idyllic Garden of Eden was a war zone. The command to rule and subdue put God's image bearers on high alert that fierce resistance lay ahead. God commanded the man to keep, or guard the garden suing the same military language later used for the cherubim who guarded the garden with a flaming sword. The reason, of course, is that a power Enemy was plotting an attack.
Putting all the facts together, it is obvious that the ezer is a warrior. God created his daughters to be ezer-warriors with our brothers. God deploys the ezer to break the man's aloneness by soldiering with him wholeheartedly and at full strength for God's gracious kingdom. The man needs everything she brings to their global mission.
The strength God brings as ezer to his people should be sufficient to convince us that as ezers we must be strong, resourceful and alert to the cries of the needy and the oppressed.
Of course, other passages confirm this interpretation. Both Ruth and the Proverbs 31 woman are called "women of valour" (hayil) Paul rallies ALL believers in Eph. 6:10-17 to "put on the whole armour of God."
Thinking of the ezer as a warrior, is entirely consistent with how Scripture views women.
All this patriarchal nonsense is based on a few proof texts written to churches which needed a lot of correction, because of the issues going on. Better to look at the original language and word usage throughout the whole Bible, to realize the fact that women are both awesome and equal, rather than these misogynist descriptions which picture a woman as dependent, needy, helpless, leaderless or weak.
The ezer is a warrior, and she is also God's creative masterpiece - a work of genius and a marvel to behold, for she is fearfully and wonderfully made. God did not create the woman to bring half of herself to his global commission, nor to minimize herself when the man is around. Her creation was not necessary if God was only planning for her to do things the man was perfectly capable of doing for himself or didn't need - like feeding himself in the Garden.
If Adam must think, decide, protect and provide for the woman, she actually becomes a burden on him, not much help when you think about it. The kind of help the man needs demands full deployment of her strength, her gifts, and the best she has to offer. His life will change for the better, because of what she contributes to his life.
As a daughter of the King, I love the idea that I am to follow in the Father's strong footsteps by soldering alongside our brothers and his kingdom. A name like ezer gives us a lot to live up to no matter who we are or where we live.